Saturday, February 5, 2011

Chuck E. Cheese's...pppfffftth!

We went to a friend's little girl's Birthday party. I may offend some people by saying this but I hate that place! It is chaos. Utter madness and chaos. Not the organized kind of chaos but screaming, pushing, rude little brats kind of chaos. I do not enjoy mean children. You know the ones. They barrel over anyone in their way (to include my still, somewhat unsteady-on-her-feet toddler), butt in lines,'s infuriating. For me, although Maddie seems to have a great time, it is stressful and downright annoying. I have to keep her safe from these little monsters and patiently attempt to hold my temper when they knock her over or jump in front of her on a ride or game. I mean, just because it's a kid-friendly play place doesn't mean all rules of common decency and manners should go out the window...right?? Ugh, if it were up to me I'd boycott the place but then I look at my smiling girl having a blast and all is forgotten. Kind of.

Um, this is not how you play this game, sweetheart...

Thank goodness Bella and Mo were there to buffer my anxiety!

Maddie insisted on a sip of my drink...MOUNTAIN DEW! Gulp. Luckily, she hated it, hence the expression on her face!


Christie said...

I agree with you on Chuck E Cheese being a place adults would probably rather kill themselves than enter. But you're right, we see the fun and love in their eyes and that's it...its all worth it.
I'm thinking pony rides in the back yard next year lol. Thank you for coming though. Katie and I went through her invite list 100 times to make sure she really wanted certain people and it always started out "Bella, Baby Maddie and William" So that all three came made her day and I was glad to see you! Thank you again so much for coming

Jess said...

Awww....we had fun! Sorry if I seemed bratty in my post! She had a blast! Thanks so much for having us! It was really nice to see you guys!

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