Thursday, May 31, 2012

Note to self....

...NEVER again go to Disney/Universal Studios under the following circumstances:
A Holiday Weekend (Memorial Day)
Anywhere NEAR the summer
Newly preggers (IE: hot, nauseated....)

Complaining aside, it really was fun! We went with our friends, the Dorrs who go every year and stay at the fabulous Liki Tiki Resort, which has it's own little water park! It was a great post-heat-stroke relief after the parks!
 The pics are out of order but my new pregnancy fatigue prevents me from fixing (or caring, quite frankly :)! I promise I will return to my proper blogging, pleasing self in about, um, 7 months!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Man-to-man coverage

Welp, we did it. Wait, that sounds weird. But we did, and verrrry easily, I may add. Just before the wedding, we decided to "not prevent" pregnancy after the wedding and, well, we officially made a "Honeymoon baby". Baby Copeland #2 will arrive early January and we're pretty... terrified. Excited, thrilled of course but also a little nervous about sharing our world with another little person as the one we have is quite a, um, handful sometimes. I do believe she will be an amazing big sister! I actually have convinced myself (don't correct me if I'm wrong :) that they will be best buds and entertain one another. We are currently Maddie's playmates so not rest for the weary. We keep joking we still have man to man coverage and until we're outnumbered, we should be ok, right? RIGHT?!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

God couldn't be everywhere....

So He gave us the saying goes!
I love being a Mother to my beautiful, spirited, smart, funny little girl. Nothing compares to the love that I feel for her....I am beyond grateful for the gifts she has given me. She has given my life it's sole purpose and I am complete because of her!
As I would have hoped, my fabulous husband made my day perfectly relaxing...breakfast in bed, a day at the beach and dinner with family. I could not have asked for more! Lucky, lucky me....

Monday, May 7, 2012

Calling all {wannabe} Supermoms!!

I have had such a difficult time lately with my overly guilty conscience. I feel guilty I'm not giving Maddie enough attention. The next day, Garret, the next, work...
A friend asked why I named my blog "Wannabe Supermom"...she ever-so-graciously said, "You already are a supermom." What a nice thing to say and while I appreciated her sweetness, I contemplated this for a while. What makes a mom "super"? I certainly don't feel that way (unless you take an apron and tie it to my neck, I suppose...). With Mother's Day approaching, I have been pondering what kind of mother I am and hope to be.
I honestly thought I'd be a stay at home mom. I never factored in the finances for some bizarre reason (isn't that kind of the biggest factor??). I chose, many moons ago to do what I do for a living and while I do love it, it does not generate a hefty income. Nor does my teacher-husband's career. So, I work. Hard. And I try to be a great mother, wife, friend, sister, daughter....and frankly, it's exhausting. If there were just 7 more hours in a day and I had two more arms and a bunch more patience...
I feel like no matter how hard I try, some area of my life is suffering for all of my best intentions. If I'm kicking butt at mommy-ing, I'm failing miserably at work. If I'm being the best wife possible, my friendships fall by the wayside.
I guess my issue is that, while I fully understand my family is my priority and I must simplify as much as possible, who are these rock stars that seem to do it all...seamlessly, perfectly, happily?! I follow blogs and have friends that I am convinced are either A: undercover superheros or B: heavily medicated (hee, hee). But seriously, how do they do it?? And how can I follow in their fabulous footsteps?? I doing ok? Is it normal to have days that your most precious gift from God causes you to end up in the fetal position in your closet weeping? To want to just shut off your phone and decompress? To know your husband is human but expect him to read your mind and just do the laundry, no asking needed?
I, admittedly, have often worried too much about what others think of me. It's a horrid personality trait that I work on feverishly and am improving upon, but nonetheless... Maybe everyone feels this way. Maybe we just don't talk about it enough. Maybe we should.
Being a mom, heck, being a woman is hard work. We take on the world and put often unrealistic expectations on ourselves. We do so much for others, so little for ourselves. It really is daunting and striking a good balance is, well, nearly impossible.
For all of my concern, I truly do feel that the best we can do is our best and while I know I am far from perfect, most days I can strike a decent balance. I have a happy little family, great friends and a job I love (with reasonable hours, so I can make parenting the priority). I make dinner, I play with my daughter, I keep house, my patients seem to think I'm pretty awesome and my husband, well, he's the bomb. So, maybe my meals aren't made from scratch and the laundry is getting knocked over by the ceiling fan. Maybe my kiddo has jaggedy fingernails and I haven't showered in three days. Who cares? Is striving for perfection just making us all nuts? I'm going out on an I-know-nothing-about-anything limb and saying as long as we love God, one another and do our best, we're succeeding! Sure, let's go with that because that I can do! All you need is is all you need? Here's to hoping.... HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the wannabe supermoms out there! You rock! XO

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Green{ish} thumbs...

 I never claimed to have a green thumb...I'm pretty sure it's a lovely shade of grey when it comes to gardening. Never much liked it or tried it for that matter but our sad, empty flower boxes were begging for some attention so I figured it'd be a fun family thing to do. Maddie loved it, of course since she could just get dirty and wet with no she loves to feel useful. It's sweet how she really wants to pitch in.

Garret decided to mow the, er, grass later to prep the yard (it's horribly dead with the lack of rain we've had!) And, on cue, Maddie grabbed her lawnmower and "helped" Daddy.
With our leftover flowers and plants we made a little garden...since the flower boxes are too high for her to reach, I figured she could have her own little area to water and tend to. We may get ambitious and plant some veggies (provided we don't kill these first :).

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