Sunday, June 29, 2014

Scavenger Hunt...check!

We marked another one off the bucket list...a nature scavenger hunt!

We fashioned some "binoculars" out of TP rolls and a journal out of a grocery bag...yup, we're on a summer budget. Camp is expensive, folks! 

We headed out to The Big Cypress Preserve on arguably THE hottest day on record. Ever

I actually took the time to photograph this cloud giving us some reprieve from the sweltering sun. Seriously, did the Earth rotate on its axis and pause at Florida in the sun's direct line of fire?!

You can't see it in the photo but there are actual sweat droplets hitting the water...

A little extra salt for your diet, Mr. Turtle....

It really is a beautiful place....lots of wildlife (although I think they too were hiding from the heat!) and beautiful scenery. It's the only place it's truly quiet around here! 

It was fun...ish. The heat was really a downer though. That and the fact that Gavin decided to have like 4 diaper explosions in the two hours we were there.
Good Times.

 Note to self: Nature Walks go on the FALL bucket list....

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Sweet Summertime!

We made another Summer Bucket List. Do we really need a list or can we just randomly do fun stuff? Probably....but I do find the lists help to make an extra effort to accomplish some fun stuff that otherwise may have been forgotten or, let's be real, ignored (Mamma's tired!).
Maddie wrote a few things on the chalkboard wall but I forgot to take a pic of the whole thing before she started scratching off our done em's!

We went to the Deleon Pool..kind of a water park (there's slides and a toddler water feature, so...park)
 but we have several so we are certainly not done!

We also had our first water balloon fight...pretty hysterical. Except for the one Garret lobbed at my thigh that actually hurt and bruised me! Sheesh, who knew it was such a violent game?! Now I remember why I hate anything that involves propelling objects at me....

Maddie's been riding her bike...and getting good with her peddling and balance buuuttttt.....
We had our first fall and boo-boo. She swore she'd never ride again. I give it a week, tops! 

And thus far, the best of the list?? Getting to visit with our friends, The Jones' who happen to have parents with an actual farm, ya'll! Horses, chickens...the real deal. Even a friendly cowboy!

 Getting to visit with Peyton was one of the many highlights !

 Gavin was kinda "meh" about the horses....ok, he was completely freaked out! Getting him on one was so not happening.

aaand, it's getting too close for comfort!

 Yup, not a big fan.

 We also went to the beach with them. I giggled when Mads put it on her list cause Lord knows we're at the beach several times during the Summer! Ah, well, here's time number one!

 We ended the day with a trip to Love Boat! It's ah-mazing! Kind of an institution around these parts! Looking forward to a fun far, so perfect!!

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