Thursday, February 28, 2013

2 months!

 Our sweet baby is 2 months old!! It's going so fast. I know, cliche' but so true! He's suddenly cooing and smiling. So alert, developing a sleep routine, eating on somewhat of a has all happened in the  blink of an eye...or two pretty blue eyes (that he gets from Daddy!). I love seeing him grow but I kind of hate to see it happening so quickly. I guess knowing he's my last makes me want to keep him little as long as Father Time will let me...

 I can't believe the changes in just a month! More hair, chubbier cheeks (and thighs ;)...*sigh*. 

Maddie seems to be getting much better with him....she was always sweet to him just a bit rough. She is so attentive and loving and hates to hear him cry. I am so proud of how well she's adjusting....

Sunday, February 24, 2013

My own award ceremony....

In honor of the Oscars today I would like to give out a few awards of my own:

Ha, hemmmm (throat clearing...).

For the cutest damn thing I have ever seen: GAVIN COPELAND in "His first smile!!" He started smiling this week and well, I could just die.

{side note: what is NOT getting an inability to catch it (in full force) on film, grr.}

For the smartest 3 year old in the entire world: MADELINE COPELAND in "Mommy, watch me write my name for the 47,000th time!!" She just learned and is exhaustively writing it, showing it, rewriting get the idea. I'm so proud of what a wonderful student she's turned out to be! Smart AND gorgeous....wach out world!!

For the most annoying thing about today: the 20-something girl in the little coupe in front of us on the way home from church this morning who just COULD NOT wait to tell whomever she was texting the uber important thing she was chatting about while also rummaging through her purse and, oh yeah, DRIVING. I stand corrected, swerving. These are the 3 most precious things in my universe sweetie. It. Can. Wait.

{I do believe I just earned the most sarcastic award. Thank you...I didn't expect this at all...}

And finally, the kick a$$ award goes to: (drumrollllll.....) GARRET COPELAND in "husband of the century", because, well,  it's just true. If there were prizes, he'd be the man to beat!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Lee County Fair

We went to the fair this weekend!!

Gavin couldn't do much obviously but he loved all of the lights...he had this amazed/crazed look the entire time!

Maddie was super hesitant to go on alot of the rides, for some reason. She's usually such a daredevil! Oddly  she DID get on the big ferris wheel (huh?!) and these harness thingies that make you jump pretty high. So bizarre but she had a blast!

And finally, the night wouldn't be complete without a little face paint and a goofy headpiece!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Edison Festival of Lights

 This past weekend we went to the Edison Festival of Lights Parade. It's, a, um parade. It's kinda lame (sorry City of Ft. Myers, but let's be serious...) but a fun family event nonetheless and everyone and their brother is sprawled out on 41 to see the royal court, local bands and vendors. Maddie woke up kinda sick-ish so we didn't think we'd make it, much to the disappointment of Garret and Scott, who woke up early on parade day to "scout" a spot (way to be ahead of the game fellas) and actually found a great one right at the beginning of the parade route and close to home. As the day went on, she felt better...and it got cold. Some of the coldest weather we've had actually! So, as to avoid a meltdown, we bundled the kiddos up and headed out!

 Some friends came too with their kids so it made for an even more fun evening!

 Good spot, great company, fun times....even if the parade part was a  

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Keeping It Real....

Uuuuggghhhh. I'm having a day. Actually, I have had two days and this one is not making me feel optimistic about tomorrow. I know, poor me, with all of my abundant blessings...there are starving children in the world, for Pete's sake! But, alas, here I am, with all my moodiness and frustration. Keeping it real because, well, while I strive to always remain frivolous and optimistic here, if nowhere else, this is the reality today.

And yesterday.

And quite possibly tomorrow.

 Today I'm just kinda down. Did I mention it's Valentine's Day? It's storming outside....and storming a little inside too. Kids, life is hard. Sometimes we make it harder than it has to be, but it's hard nonetheless. There are disappointments and heartache sprinkled throughout our lives and dealing with them is well, a very individual and often confusing feat. I don't usually write about myself except for how I feel about my children. But if this is to be a journal for them , maybe getting to know me better isn't such a bad idea. But then, maybe I don't want them to see all that's broken in me. They have their own beautiful lives to live and grow in, lets let them do that instead. But a bit of understanding their crazy yet fabulous mother should involve some honesty. I'm not broken but I'm slightly scarred and there is brokenness in me. I'm trying to mother and learn from an imperfect place, and that is...challenging. I don't have the good fortune to be one of those well put-together moms. I wish I were. I'm always trying.

This morning started as they usually do these days: me, physically and mentally incapacitated by my fatigue and Maddie, sassy and defiant about everything from breakfast to what she'll {not} be wearing (which will require a tutu). I alternately consider locking myself in the bathroom to get away from her and how in love I am with her self-awareness and independence. I want to both stifle her will while encouraging her strength. I'm not quite sure how to do this. I'm not sure I ever will. Some days I am bursting at the seams with pride for her and others I feel like a complete failure as her mother.

And then.

I remember... on days like these, the stormy ones, that she is exactly everything I hoped she would be and that, with all of her ability to bring me to the brink of sanity, she is perfect. I love her whole-heartedly. I have memorized every feature on her face, every hair on her head. I know her favorite song, what she hates to eat (um, mostly anything that's not Macaroni and Cheese). I know how to make her laugh and what frustrates her. She endlessly confuses me, but there is nothing that would make me love her less.

I believe God gave me Maddie so that I would greater understand both myself and His love for me. She is my little girl as I am His. This really hit me hard today. As if I didn't already feel like a Mac Truck came into my bedroom last night...

My spiritual journey is still in progress...I've had alot of unanswered questions {not to be confused with unanswered prayers} from the Big Guy Upstairs. My own Demons. But I'm trying....and thankfully, He loves us all, even a broken mess like me. Especially broken messes who come to Him in humility and asking for His grace. Thank...well, Him.So I do that alot these days.

Today, I may have to do it a few times. And I know, as the storm that is their Mother, these kids will always feel my love as God loves us...unconditionally, even with all of our faults and misgivings. Phew. I am beyond grateful we all get the opportunity to ask for forgiveness and start anew.

On the way to school Maddie, from the backseat after an icy silence says meekly (I can tell she knows I am one unhappy camper in that moment, so I soften because well, while I am frustrated with her I am equally dealing with me), "Mommy, I'm sorry." And I cry a little bit so that only God knows. And I tell them both that I'm sorry too.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Valentine's Day love letter to my family...

Dear Garret,
To say you are the man of my dreams implies my subconscious could even conjure up someone so amazingly perfect for me. That's not to say you're perfect, or we're just happen to be the man to make me realize why all the others are no longer in my life. You are the missing piece, the answered prayer, the man a girl like me, with all of my history and insecurities could never believe existed. You complete me in a way that is not to say I wasn't whole before but you make me...better. With you, I feel strong...quite possibly for the first time in my life. I am not the broken, sensitive and unworthy of love girl I always identified with. I am a partner, a confidante, a cheerleader and a Mother. I am worthy and capable, all because you love me enough to inspire me to be. You see me the way I hope to one day see myself. You believe in me and see the woman I wish I were. I aspire to love like you do, unconditionally, whole-heartedly. You never cease to amaze me with your ability to forgive, apologize and work tirelessly to continue to grow our relationship. You make me love more deeply and laugh harder and I am forever grateful to you for choosing to share this crazy life, with these beautiful children with me. It's fair to say we never planned this life but the "mistakes" we've made together somehow feel completely intentional. You truly are my lobster.

Dear Madeline,
The day you entered my life was the first day it had real meaning and purpose. Before you, I was unintentionally selfish and knew only my own wants and needs... and even those I had no real clue about. Your arrival in my life was the first time I knew my purpose and that your needs would always come before my own. I knew I would do anything, even die for you. You have both frustrated and inspired me with your intelligence, wit, humor and confidence. You have a very sensitive and loving soul and while your spunk often is the butt of the joke and the reason for our endless frustration it is the wounded look in your eye if you feel you've offended, the apologetic tone with which you comfort if you've hurt that I see as who you really are. I  am endlessly proud of you and in awe of the woman I imagine you to become. I often wish I were more like you. I was always overly-sensitive and easily wounded. You are self-assured yet still kind and empathetic. I hope you are always this way. You both terrify and astound me. I find myself alternately bawling my eyes out in frustration, laughing hysterically and bursting with pride for you. No one person has ever solicited such a range of emotions from me. I always say I know we will be that Mother/Daughter duo that battles endlessly during the teen years to only become the most loyal and fiercest of friends. I pray this is true.

Dear Gavin,
You have taught me the propensity of my ability to love.  When I thought my heart had reached its capacity, you came into my life and proved it only grew exponentially to include my overwhelming adoration for you. Although we have only had a bit over one month together, we have a special bond that even I can't explain. Perhaps it's the old 'Mamma's Boy' myth. My usual tendency to stress and feel overwhelmed have been calmed by your sweetness. Even sleep-deprived, I feel a rejuvenation as a Mother. I have a calm confidence that you have helped me realize. You are so sweet and beautiful...when you look at me I can just imagine the gentle man you will be. You already seem to have your Daddy's laid-back, kind demeanor....what a lucky woman to one day get the joy of one day having you in her life (although this thought is horrifically disturbing to me. You're MINE, darnit!). In your short time with us you have made this family feel complete and without you, something special would be missing.

The Most Grateful Wife and Mother in the world

Monday, February 11, 2013

These boots are made for sassin'

 Maddie has been asking for "cowgirl boots" forever! I refused to spend a bunch of money on yet another obsession turned to boredom in 5.2 seconds. And....although I went to a local high school known for being "redneck", we're not exactly country. At a local consignment shop, looking for tap shoes, I see these adorable hot pink pair of boots. A little tattered, but heck, aren't boots s'posed to be worn in?? I look at the price tag and well, $4.25 and her perfect size later, they were en route to the hacienda. Best money I never spent. Kid hasn't taken 'em off since! Thankfully, we had a real occasion to wear them: a local little petting zoo with pony rides. Yeeehawwwww!!

It was also Yaya's Birthday so we went for pizza after the petting zoo...HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the bestest Yaya and Mother-In-Law I know!!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Gavin's first time to the beach!

The weather has been so beautiful (I know, ME?! Speaking kindly of Florida??). Low humidity, warm, sunny....kinda perfect really. We hadn't been to the beach in forever so we thought we'd break Baby Gavin in early (and since it will soon be too hot for a tiny baby, it was the perfect time to go). Crazy Maddie immediately ran down to the freezing water while Gavin just calmly lounged under the umbrella. A perfect day with my little family....

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