Saturday, February 28, 2015

New discovery!

We were told about this local farm, Southern Fresh Farms and how it had a petting area, playground and reasonably priced fresh produce. Um, okkkkkk. 

It  totally lived up to the hype....

 I mean...where else are ya gonna find a saddle swing?!

 And enough gym equipment to entertain a two year old for an hour??

 Sunflowers are my favorite so I made, er asked Garret nicely to get me some.

Baby chicks. Baby. Chicks. Not much else to add....cuteness overload!

 The animals were so friendly! They came right up to the kids.  Maddie loves livestock...Gavin, not so much. He's a dog and cat kinda kid. So, I'm surmising he doesn't love bigger animals...he just kinda watches and laughs at them. Chicken {no pun intended}.

I love supporting local businesses and you could tell they had a real love for their community. With an armful of veggies and flowers, we headed home but we will definitely be back!! 

Monday, February 23, 2015


Welp, we finally did it. We've been trying to get to Disney World pretty much since Gavin turned one. Although, in hindsight, I'm so glad we weren't able to get there. He was the perfect age to actually enjoy the rides and shows. And Maddie? The exact age I believe the place was designed for! We invited Bella to come and they were beside themselves! 
I'm honestly very conflicted about the whole thing...standing in lines for hours and spending a month's worth of pay to afford the whole shebang kinda irritates me and certainly does not sound like my idea of a good time but....It's Disney World. Ya just have to suck it up on occasion. It's a Floridian's rite of passage. 
We are lucky to have our own personal DW consultant, my friend Jen. This girl came over and literally planned our entire trip down to booking Fast Passes, suggesting a plan of action.... like our personal travel agent. I'm super loosey goosey, which I mostly prefer but because we were spending a gajillion dollars and eating Ramen Noodles the rest of the week, I did want to get the most out of the experience...within reason, of course.  With her expert advice and some great deals we found online for tickets, we were ready....

...and not ten minutes after we walked in, the girls spotted this face painting station. Eighteen flippin' dollars for a tiara made out of paint. Shoulda brought my kit and saved myself the agony but I made them promise not to ask for another single thing all day! They actually didn't. I almost fell over from the shock.

Because of the fast passes and the fact that we got there first thing when it opened, we waited no more than ten minutes for a single thing (until later in the day)! 

Gavin's first time was...well, magical. He had SO much fun! He could barely stand it! His eyes just darted around and he ran everywhere. No walking, legit, full-on 10 hours. And the stroller? Pppffftttth! Held him back from all the fun to be had!

Jen wisely suggested we sit and eat lunch during the parade, which was perfect! We packed tons of snacks and drinks and saved us yet an extra week of Ramen Noodles! 

The thing we waited for the longest and the one thing Maddie reaaaaallllyyy wanted to do was meet Rapunzel. I still can't get over the fact that she's so "over" while everyone's running to Anna and Elsa, she was super excited about Rapunzel and Cinderella. Fine with me...that other line was way longer. 

Aside from few toddler meltdowns from the fatigue and over-stimulation of it all it was a great time! As much as it's lines and open wallets it's also truly magical. To be there with my babies and see these things through their excited and awe-struck eyes really makes it all worth it! Thanks Mickey for opening up your house to the Copeland's!

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