Wednesday, July 25, 2012

It's a....

Is that weird?? I mean the pic of my baby son's privates?? He's going to kill me for this one day I am certain.
But, HOW EXCITING! I can't help it! We went to the doctor yesterday for our 15 week check-up and she could already tell! We were hoping to find out....soooo much more curious than the first time around (I actually wanted to wait until she was born). The ultrasound tech said she knew immediately and upon rescanning the area and showing us, it was, um obvious. Quite different than little girls. I cried and Garret just grinned from ear to ear. He has been so diplomatic about his preference about the sex but I just know he was really hoping for a boy. Knowing it would be our last and his family's last chance to carry on the Copeland name, I hoped it for him. Maddie, on the other hand, kept insisting it's a "gurl baby" although we tried to tell her differently. She won't be deterred. Let's hope she doesn't dress him in bonnets and put make-up on him one day.
After the appointment, we told our families and then I met the girls for a "reveal dinner". I made cupcakes with one center being the blue. Colleen bit into and in true Colleen fashion squealed and turned it around to reveal the blue center:

The girls were excited (most of them have boys!). Our families all thought it was a boy (weird, I had not a single feeling...). We are settled on Caleb for a middle name, to honor the angel who originated it, but a first name is still elusive, although we have some contenders.
I am nervous to parent a boy..I hear it's so different but as in life, you adjust your care and treatment of those around you based on their personalities etc. so I should figure it out! What I know for sure is how blessed we are. I truly have everything I ever dreamed of: a fabulous husband, 2 healthy children, a job I love, good friends....I was rich in the dream but hey, I am wealthy in more ways than I can count!

Friday, July 13, 2012

A "cheesy" celebration for my sweet girl!

 Why not? Good-a place as any for a little impromptu Birthday celebration! We figured since Yaya was back in town and it was her actual birthday, we'd do something small for Maddie's big day. She'd been asking to go for a while so off to the big mouse's house we went! A few friends and their little ones joined so our little birthday girl was pretty happy. Games, rides, friends, cupcakes....what's not to love?!

Bye, Chuck E. (what's the E stand for anyway?!). We had a blast, now off to North Carolina!! XO

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Meet baby "Scooter"

We FINALLY had our first OB appointment!! I had to wait for Garret's open enrollment before I could get on his insurance (mine didn't have maternity coverage), which started July 1st, so I'm already 13 wks, 1 day according to the measurements! It's kind of neat to go from a positive pregnancy test to THIS:

It was pretty short and sweet...had the ultrasound and Dr. Stubbs answered some quick questions and we made an appointment for 2 weeks for the "big" OB visit as well as determining the sex (already?!). I weighed 109 (so up 5 already...the Cheetos, Ice Cream and Ramen Noodles can't be helping that cause...), everything looked great until...he informs me that due to my "advanced maternal age" (just say I'm ancient, already), I have to see the Maternal Fetal Medicine professionals for the majority of my OB care. Boo. I know my risks are increased but I hate to have to have the constant "monitored" feeling. It makes for some anxiety and I prefer to just enjoy and be relaxed for the remainder of the pregnancy. Oh well, that's what I get for being old. :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

We completed our mission!

Once again, Maddie's Birthday party request was in a theme that is non-existent in mass production! The Little Einsteins is her fave these days and there is nothing related to them, um, anywhere so I was left to my crafty-ish devices yet again. I promised it would be low key...for several reasons A: the child doesn't care! Maddie's requests were "cake, balloons and a candle". Done! and B: it's too stressful and again, she just wanted to swim with friends! My favorite parties as a kid were just at home, with my friends having fun! Soooo....
My first "mission" (hee hee, play on the show: the kids go on a mission in their rocket ship each episode...). was "rocket", the kids' transportation and friend through their adventures. I literally cried tears over this thing (and shouted some four letter words, but I'm trying to erase those from my memory). It was so much more time consuming than I expected but, in the end, the look on Maddie's face when she saw it was absolutely worth it! She loved it and my husband rolling out the fondant was pretty sexy, so all in all, a success!

 I also made cupcakes since, well, cupcakes are awesome and made little picks for them again featuring the gang! I also copped out and just threw a buncha candy in a bowl and put out bags for the kids to grab what their little hearts desired. Sorry Moms and Dads....:)

I really wanted to give Maddie a Little Einsteins-themed gift but couldn't find a thing, so I searched online and found this rocket with all the characters on Ebay for, oh, between $80 and more than $150! Um, no. Garret suggested checking Craig's List. I thought for sure there would be no such finding and BAM! Rocket and all for 20 bucks! Wha hoooo! Needless to say, she was thrilled!

After a little pool time, we brought Rocket out for singing and dessert!

And last but not least...PRESENTS!!

As usual, my girls were there for support and brought their great kids! We missed our families though, who were almost all out of town on vacay!

I almost forgot!! Our friends, the Dorrs gave Mads their son's Jeep! Jason fixed it up and it has a RADIO! She absolutely loved it!

Hope you had a fabulous party baby girl!!! XO

Friday, July 6, 2012

Happy Birthday America!!

We had a fairly low-key 4th this year. I've been so sick (baby-related, ugh) so my desire to do, well, anything is seriously compromised. My friend Trisha invited us over for a very low-key BBQ and some kid-friendly fireworks. The big fireworks shows here were SO late (9:30) so we just let Maddie play with some sparklers...which, PS, she was thrilled with! We had fabulous ribs and great conversation while the kids played. Just about all the fun I could handle...literally.

I also decided to make Maddie a shirt for the Pinterest addiction allowed me the inspiration for a fun flag shirt. Add an adorable custom barrette made by my friend Georgia of Sweet Peas and Mamma Bees, and we have instant Patriotic cuteness.

On an unrelated note, Maddie's been swimming the past few days! I don't know what's considered truly knowing how to swim, but she propels underwater while holding her breath on her own, so I say, SWIMMING! She is still nervous about it but is getting better...Daddy takes her in the pool just about every day (mercifully giving nauseous Mamma a much needed break :)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Aaaaaaalmost 3!

10 days. What? Where does it go?? Seriously. I feel like I open each birthday blog entry with this old cliche', but seriously??!! I am in awe of the change that each year brings. This one in particular. I like to update about her accomplishments each year, so.....

At almost 3, my baby can do the following:

1. Talk her head (and my ear) off....I mean to say, full-on conversation, to now include slang and silliness, IE: she has this way of saying "seriously??" in this valley girl, sarcastic tone that cracks me up!!
2. Play ball! She can make contact with her bat and ball while playing with her little Tball set.
3. Alllllmost swim. She goes underwater, just below the surface and propels herself forward while holding her breath. I wish she'd use her arms more but we're working on that!
4. She can identify and sound out every letter of the alphabet as well as identify words that start with that letter.
5. She counts to about 30...
6. She can put her own shoes on (on the right feet!), put pants on and undress. Shirts are still tricky and sometimes things are backwards but hey, it's all fixable!
7. Potty Training is still, um, a challenge but she has both peed and pooped on the potty just not consistently.
8. Getting the hang of pedaling her little bike.
9. She is very into shapes and letters and drawing them. She can make a circle and is making a smiley face (eyes, nose, mouth).

I also stole this idea from a friend whose daughter is a hair older than Maddie...a birthday questionnaire. The idea is to ask the same questions every year. Here goes (and I quote...)!

1. What is your favorite color? "Blue, yellow and white".
2. What makes you happy? "Daddy"
3. What is your favorite animal? "Doggies"
4. What is your favorite food? "Mac and Cheese. And cheese..."
5. What are you really good at? "Singing"
6. Who is your best friend? "Mommy" (thankful to get honorable mention)
7. What is your favorite song? "ABC's" (she proceeded to sing the whole song...twice)
8. What is your favorite thing about you? " tummy and my nose"
9. What is your favorite show? "Little Einsteins"
10. What is your favorite thing to do? "Swim"
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