Monday, October 31, 2016


 Another awesome Halloween in the books! 
I LOVED the kids' costumes this year! Gavin, never having even seen Ghostbusters but obsessing over the theme song announced MONTHS ago he was being a Ghostbuster!  When I say he loved his costume...I mean, loved it. I got it a couple weeks before and he wore it 
Maddie, also having decide quite some time ago, wanted to be a butterfly. So, as I do, I began making a felt flower headpiece with antennae, from scratch, burning off my fingerprints in the process. She casually mentioned she'd like to be something "spooky" for her school's Trunk or Treat, so I grab this little 5 dollar cheapie at the dollar store and she decided she was "totally being that" for all of the Halloween festivities. Well then. I mean, suuuuper cute and all but so random. That's my Maddie.

  As always, the whole clan joined us and off we went!

Garret and I decided an hour before to be zombies. You can tell it was a last minute decision....

 As always, these two has a blast and scored TONS of sweet stuff (and even a couple toothbrushes!). I love that they love Halloween {almost} as much as I do!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

My lil pumpkins

We took the crew pumpkin shopping....and stopped for photo ops (I know, it's a shocker...)!

Gavin, being all obsessed with all things Ghostbusters asked Garret to make a Stay Puff Marshmallow Man....thank goodness for stencils and Maddie decided to go old school, traditional Jack-O-Lantern....

Friday, October 28, 2016

Edison Park Trunk or Treat!

One of our favorite Halloween traditions! Always such a fun event! 

The candy hander-outers!

Maddie ran into her teacher, Mrs. Danielewski! As if she doesn't see her kids enough, I made them pose with her!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Enjoying "Fall"

Finally, know, that season I incessantly gripe about every year.
 I just.....can't. It was a hundred degrees. I may occasionally have a flair for the dramatic but no, for REAL. One.Hundred.Degrees.
But, as we do each year, we try to make the best of it so we hit our fave little farm, enjoyed a hayride (all the while praying it wouldn't stop in the stagnant heat whilst the sun blazed on us above), played on the playground, visited the animals and found some fun photo ops. 
It may have even been worth the buckets of sweat.....

 We even ran into Gavin's buddy, Adlei! 

Enjoying "Fall"

Finally, know, that season I incessantly gripe about every year.
 I just.....can't. It was a hundred degrees. I may occasionally have a flair for the dramatic but no, for REAL. One.Hundred.Degrees.
But, as we do each year, we try to make the best of it so we hit our fave little farm, enjoyed a hayride (all the while praying it wouldn't stop in the stagnant heat whilst the sun blazed on us above), played on the playground, visited the animals and found some fun photo ops. 
It may have even been worth the buckets of sweat.....

 We even ran into Gavin's buddy, Adlei! 

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