Monday, March 30, 2015

Easter Egg Hunts

 Our first egg hunt of the season! A friend has an annual, multi-family, potluck egg hunt at Lakes Park. So fun! Lotsa kiddos, a big park and delicious food!

The kids thought running up and down this hill was the coolest....

Gavin couldn't wait to tear into his eggs, clearly.

 Trying to get pics of a bunch of sugared up kids is, challenging. And if you look at their faces, kinda hilarious!

The bunny even made an appearance!! Gavin was super hesitant at first but after a high five, he decided he could muster the courage to actually sit on his lap.

Then we went to Caleb's Crusade's Easter egg hunt to raise money for the playground Rob and Mo are hoping to have built in Caleb's honor. At least Mo wasn't sweating her head off on the bunny suit this time...

And...let the decorating begin! 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Music Week!

This past week was music week at Edison Park. The kids were asked to create an instrument from scratch and perform a short song. Kindergarten was assigned string instruments so I asked Maddie which one she wanted and she immediately said "A Rainbow Dash!". Yup, still in that phase. You may recall she was this creature for Halloween (and wants her birthday party to be said theme...ugh). The thing with kids is once they latch onto something, it will permeate every corner of their existence until you want to rip your eyeballs out or your ears off. Let It Go...anyone??

MMMMMkkkk, so A: I have not a clue how to make anything functioning from a cardboard diaper box and B: the thing has to actually make sound. Gulp. I can, however, use a glue gun and some paint like nobody's business so a few rubber bands, burned fingers and some blingy stickers added by the girl herself later, VOILA! A guitar...ish.

She said hers was the coolest in the class (duh) but Mrs. Lantz (her music teacher) mentioned her song was a bit long. You just can't interrupt an artist when they're mid-jam.....

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

St Patty's Day!

 Daddy had to work late so we didn't do much but we did do our annual hat crafting! The Ripos joined us for some creative fun!

 The girls wanted a single Elsa!

 Since Mo and Rob had an event, we did our balloon release for Caleb's birthday a couple of days earlier. I can't believe seven years have passed since he went to Heaven. I so wish my kids got to know him....


Not a day goes by I don't think of you sweet angel...Happy Heavenly Birthday.

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