Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day

"A Father is a son's first hero and a daughter's first love."

We had a great Father's Day...although how do you cram enough awesomeness into one day to celebrate the world's BEST Daddy?! I love that I married a sentimental sap, so I made him personalized cards (after his Mother's Day rant about the price of cards!) from the kids. He loved them...and they had photos he could keep...totally doing this from now on!!

 I also married a man that loves food second only to his family. Breakfast and a German dinner were on his small list of requests. Done and done! Along with a few little gifts and a day at the water park, we ate like kings and queens...and gained a pound or ten.

I never loved Father's Day, not having one in my life, it was always just another day...until I married the best father I've ever known. Our children are so lucky to have the most patient, loving, fun and devoted daddy there is and I get to share my life with this amazing man. Now I love this holiday...celebrating him and the fabulous husband and father he is!! Lucky, lucky us! 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Summer Bucket List!!

I did this in the Fall and it was so much fun...and forced us to do some things that were not in our usual repertoire! I mean, pet rocks?? What IS that, even??? I had to Google it, no joke.

Not to mention the big one drives me batty when she has idle time, God forbid! I'm high strung and she exhausts me just watching her. So, a list of things to keep us all busy! Right around the time I made this, we had accomplished a couple so here is the evidence....

We went to Maddie's very first was. awesome. The movie, that is! We saw Epic and Garret I really liked it. Maddie was a little, meh, about it (of course anything that requires silence and stillness is pretty much Chinese water torture to her). She did pretty well, considering. I think the fact that the seats went up and down was more exciting than the ginormous screen in front of her. To each his own.

 Maddie and Bella had a sleepover! Mo has been helping me by taking Maddie a day or two a week during this summer so the least I could do was take hers for the night! Of course swimming was first on the schedule...

I have created this awful fun tradition of making pizzas when they are having dinner together. They love being involved. A little messy? Sure, but look at those faces....

 These little dancing queens were up WAY past their bedtimes but they were really good and had a blast, so Mamma let it slide....

Monday, June 3, 2013

Last day of school, Memorial Day and stuff!

Ok, I know, I'm feeling like a blogaholic! But it's the start of summer, baby and lotsa stuff is going down! So I thought I'd condense a few posts into one! Here goes:

Alas, the last day of school arrived. I made Maddie wear the same outfit so I could do a comparison of her first and last days. She has grown so much. Crazy.....

I made her teacher's gifts...nothing fancy but we wanted them to know how much we appreciated their putting up with, er, teaching our baby girl ;)

 Daddy surprised her with a last day donut and off she went.....

Buh-bye Pre K3...bring on Pre K4!! 

The very next day a friend I met through another friend hosted this fabulous Doc McStuffins Party. This is the lady you read about. The Pinterest Supermom that you wish you could be. And she does it all joyfully. I would lose my ever-loving mind trying to put this together. And for no birthday, nothing. Just for fun! I kinda think she's a superhero. 

My pathetic contribution?? Headband stethescopes. Ah well, they were a hit in spite of their haphazard construction! Maddie gave Gavin a quick check-up on the way out to make sure they did the job....

She has said since she could say, she wants to be a doctor when she grows up so I thought this was just too perfect! A mom can only hope....

And then, as if we weren't having enough fun, our friends Trisha and Jason invited us to their rented house in Orlando for the weekend. Um, duh. Yeah we're coming......

The house was on a golf course so we took advantage of the pretty view....

That night, we went to Old Town....kinda like a small amusement park that is super cheap...since we couldn't swing a park this trip, we enjoyed the fun it had to offer!

So lucky to have such a great friend for so long...she's like a sister to me!

And last...we made it home for Memorial Day so we just kept it low key and had the family over for swimming and BBQ! Summer is officially here!

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