Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sitting up and spitting up!

Maddie can sit up! YAY!! Seven months and she can balance her cute, chubby little thighs for a couple of minutes at a time. Mind you, she still topples over...she hasn't quite grasped the fact that she has to re-balance herself as she's going sideways, but hey, give the kid a break! She's just learning! Crawling seems a bit far off still...she air swims, however. What? You have never heard of air-swimming? Well, let me educate you on my daughter's advanced activity. She gets on her tummy, lifts her head, arms and legs and flails around like a fish out of water. So funny. We keep telling her "Baby, if you would put your limbs on the ground, you may actually propel yourself." She just flashes those two (and a half!!) bottom teeth and repeats the process. It's so funny to watch their little brains work through the motions. I swear I can see her thinking. Love every second of watching this little person become a bigger (sniff) person!

Love is in the air....

Breakfast in bed, roses, champagne, Children's Parade...huh?! My how Valentine's Day gets a whole new spin on it when you have a child!! I have to admit, though, we made it pretty great, in my humble opinion. The day was filled with the perfect combination of family time and romance. We got up and I made a big, yummy breakfast. Then we met Susie for a belated Birthday lunch. We then went to the Edison Children's Parade with Monique and Bella. Lastly, we put the baby's little, exhausted self to bed and ordered take-out sushi, drank a cocktail and enjoyed our alone time. The perfect Valentine's Day with my two favorite Valentines....

New Year, New Milestones

2010....the start of a new year. Of course, Maddie slept through the whole thing while we celebrated with friends. But in this year Maddie will reach so many milestones. Walking, talking, her first birthday. It's all happening too fast!!! Can't I just freeze time and keep her this way forever?? 6 months is so ideal. She sleeps through the night, eats without complication, smiles and coos and laughs. There is no sassing, no mobility to be concerned about. I can still leave the room if she's in her walker without fearing she will fall and crack her head open. She sleeps from about 6:30pm to 6am. I mean, THIS is the easy phase (granted, I have no idea what to expect in the future, but I have heard). do I make this happen? Is there some white haired guy with a rad car that can keep my angel-baby in this state of perfect infancy?? Ugh...I suppose I will have to learn to really RAISE this child. Mold her, discipline her, teach her. Selfishly, this phase requires so little from us as parents. She finds everything we do utterly hilarious and interesting. Soon she'll be rolling her eyes at our corniness while jumping into her boyfriend's Camaro. Doc, where are you?!
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