Friday, May 17, 2013

Pre K3 Spring Show

I feel evil for saying this yet again, but any sort of display of, er, talent by 3 and 4 year olds is pretty hilarious to me. I mean, I am bursting with pride of course but to watch these uncoordinated, easily distracted little people attempting unison on any level all while trying not to pick their noses, step on each other's feet, memorizing lyrics and's just ridiculous, in the most adorable way!

 There was a little awards ceremony by Mrs. Peek....Maddie's? Best Singer...I was so proud :)

 They also displayed some of the artwork from throughout the year....I can't believe it's already almost over!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day Weekend

Mother's Day weekend was quite eventful! We decided to have the kiddos dedicated at the church we have really grown to love, Next Level. We felt it was important to declare before God and our church our dedication to raising them in the ways God intends. We want to provide the tools for their successes and joys, including their spiritual ones. It was really sweet and meaningful for us as a family.

Our good friends, the Jones' also had their little guy dedicated so it was nice to share it with them!

Gavin slept through the majority of the service! I was sad to not have a photo of all four of us...this seems an impossible task. Must. get. professional. photos. done. ASAP.

Afterwards, we all went to dinner together!  

 Then, as has become an unintentional tradition of sorts, we went to the beach! It was a gorgeous day! Relaxing and spent with loved ones. Perfect. 

 And finally.....a nice dip in the pool to knock off the sand. Daddy earned bonus points for entertaining Maddie by jumping in the pool with her and making me frozen cocktails. Aaaahhhhh......

Monday, May 6, 2013

Get to work!!

Ok, these kids are killing me.

While I love Maddie's school, every other day there is some event/fundraiser/party...something to pay for (on top of the fairly hefty, albeit well worth it, tuition). And the "little" one? Well that kid is eating me out of house and home. I'm about to make him get a job. I wish I was kidding.

 We are a family of limited means and I'm thinking I'm gonna become like my mom (ugh) and force these little ones into jobs as soon as they are legally allowed. Until then, the mobile one is getting chores, dag nabit.

 I have had juuuust about enough of, wait for the ensuing complaining, of coming home from work, then along with the daily necessities of dinner, dishes, making  lunches/packing bags for the next day, baths, stories, ETC, I am cleaning her room, taking her dishes from the table. HUH? She can reach the counter, for the love of, she now cleans her room (yes I go in after and rearrange a bit, but she does the majority), clears her plate from table, and washes my car. Yup, I said it. I just watched (and took some pics, of course) while she slaved away. The worst part was, she loved it. That was kind of annoying. I wanted to feel, if only for one fleeting moment like one of those crazy tiger moms. See, kids this age enjoy doing the things we abhor. She wants to fold laundry, do dishes, wipe down surfaces, vacuum. If. Only. She. Were. Bigger. This is the one and only time I will wish for time to pass quickly. Until then, scrub away little one, and oh, you missed a spot. Start over. Kidding.....

Pay attention, little're next.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Field Day at FMCS

Maddie had her first Field Day at school. She had a blast! I couldn't make it...stomach bug (ugh), which I was pretty certain would NOT be welcomed at a school but luckily Monique and Tiffany got some pics for me! We three tie-dyed shirts for the class to wear, which turned out kind of looking like army fatigues...bold letters and all. Don't mess with three year olds. Just sayin.

These make me laugh so hard... I mean, half of them are crying, the other half are exhausted and OVER IT and poor Mrs. Peek is trying to keep it all under control. God love her.

And quite possibly the biggest surprise of the day, Maddie's ribbon for "Best Balance" on the beam. Ok, she's got a million fab qualities but coordination is definitely not one of them. I mean, I've seen her fall down just standing there. If I'm lying I'm dying. But whatevs, a ribbon!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

4 months!

Our sweet baby boy is 4 whole months old! He has more than tripled his weight. Yes, you read that right, tripled and is starting to be so much fun. Is that mean? To insinuate they aren't fun before now? I suppose if multiple nightly wake-ups and a supply and demand relationship are your thing, than sure, fun. For me however, fun is smiling, responding, "talking"...basically developing personality.

He also started to eat baby food! His appetite was, nay, IS and I dare say forever will be, insatiable...and by insatiable, I mean going from content and smiley to seriously ticked off in 4.2 seconds! It's really the only time he's, um, unhappy, shall we say? Of course, his Daddy's that way. Gets it honest....

Needless to say, it's been a huge success :)
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