Monday, April 25, 2011

We're ENGAGED!!! Our story...

So...we aren't "conventional". We had a baby then got engaged. Slightly backward, I realize. Alot of things about our relationship have been screwy....

We met through an ex, always having a mutual admiration but never thinking of one another in "that" way. I always looked at Garret and quietly wondered why he was single or casually dating. He seemed to have so much to offer and certainly wasn't bad to look at either. But being otherwise involved :), I obviously never imagined him for myself. Until I wasn't and until I did. I remember the moment. He had joined some girlfriends and I for dinner and drinks. I wanted him to meet a friend of mine that I thought he would be perfect for. She was beautiful and funny....a bit young for him at 30, while she was only 22, but hey, I like to play Cupid, what can I say? As the night went on and we all talked, I found we had more in common, we laughed at the same jokes, we had similar dreams and goals. Huh. At the end of the night I awkwardly told him he should try to kiss her (although I kind of got the impression they weren't hitting it off so well), partly to see if I was right about them, but oddly hoping I was wrong. When I immaturely ran to her to tell her to potentially brace herself, she gave me a look. You know the ones. That knowing look someone gives you that has a ton of meaning that only they know. "What?!" I demanded. She leans closer and says "I think he would rather kiss you." Pfft. No. Me? The still-not-official-ex of a friend? Nah. she's crazy. I pondered the thought, finding myself sweaty and frankly, annoyed at the insinuation. Then it hit me. I like this guy. Not for my friend, for me.

Almost 3 years and a million fabulous memories later, here we are, still happy, still in love and a family unit with a bond that is so powerful. Given my fear of marriage, it wasn't a topic initially. But after seeing the kind of man Garret is, the loving father, I found myself wanting to get married again. But only to him. I can see a future that is not without trials as all marriages are but with but two people with a deep love and respect for one another, willing to work hard to keep our family together.

That said, we planned an amazing cruise for just the two of us, our first trip away together...alone! It was fabulous! The first night on the ship, we were on our way from dinner and Garret suggested we go to the upper deck to watch the sunset (should have been my first clue!). When we got there, he pulls out this leather-bound photo album, "Oh, I almost forget, Maddie wanted me to give you this...". I had a hard time leaving her for so long (it was our first multi-day trip away). I start flipping through it and with each page I turned, there were sentences formed. He had posed her holding poster boards with messages on each one. It said things like "I'll miss you", "have fun" etc. The last few were hinting at bringing her lots of presents and the last page had her on Garret's lap holding one that said "SAY YES"...he got on his knee and, well, asked, tearfully. I was dry-eyed (shockingly!), so I like to make fun of him about this little detail! We had an absolute blast and I was so excited we were getting married! Me, the reluctant one. Go figure!

I can't possibly say how happy I am. It sounds crazy but these two people are my world. It's the first time in my life I feel like I belong. I have never so looked forward to the future while thoroughly enjoying the present. So, no regrets.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Team Landon!

Saturday, we did the annual March of Dimes Walk in honor of Landon, my friend Morgan's baby boy that passed away after his premature birth at 24 weeks due to a medical condition she had. The loss was very traumatic for her and she feels strongly about this cause so Maddie and I walked (ok, I walked, she strolled :) while Garret fixed my car in support of my dear friend. The cause raises money for continued education/research/funding for premature babies. We had a great time and she raised alot of money for her team. It reminds me to always be grateful for my healthy baby girl (even if she is becoming sassier by the minute...).

Monday, April 18, 2011


We are awful, terrible people. Garret and I booked a cruise...our first ever vacation alone on EASTER! Who does that?? I booked it so far in advance I didn't realize it fell on that weekend (not to mention it was freakishly early this year...). So what do awful, terrible parents do to compensate? FAKE EASTER=Feaster!! The weekend before, we went to Centennial Park's annual Easter Egg Hunt and on Sunday, had brunch and an Easter Egg Hunt at home for Maddie and Bella. I'm pretty sure Maddie had no clue. Well, until she's old enough to read this...sorry baby! :)

Celebration number two (And Easter Egg Hunt #3! Pretty sure she's a pro now...)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Maddie's First Easter Egg Hunt!

Ok, not a "hunt" per se....they were quite visible, in an open field, but a fun time nonetheless! Well, barring the record high temps (90 degrees with a thousand percent humidity!!) and her terror at the sight of the admittedly creepy Easter bunny.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Dancing Queens!

Jammin' out to a little Jason Mraz (notice the hommage with the fedora...)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

First trip to the zoo!

We took our first family trip to the Naples Zoo today. I have to admit, it was somewhat disappointing....the animals were either out of sight or asleep. There was an active tiger but other than that, we barely saw any wildlife (unless you count Maddie as such...).

The few animals we did come across that graced us with their presence...

It was pretty hot and apparently, too sunny for Miss Maddie!

I suppose we'll go back...we missed the primate boat tour since there was a mile long line waiting to get on. Maybe the keepers will lay off the sedatives for that trip!
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