Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January recap

As predicted, I did not stick to my resolutions. Well, kinda. I said I would post the pics of my organization/projects weekly and that didn't happen but I did accomplish a few things that I either A: didn't have the moolah for before or B: didn't have the ambition for, so I'm calling it a small victory...very small, but a victory nonetheless.

Project #1: a new desk.

Our house is oddly laid out-there is a long, narrowish room as soon as you walk in, then a step down and then a similarly shaped room. We certainly don't need a living room and family room so I christened the first room as an office/play room. I wanted it to look nice, as it is the first room you walk into from the front door. I wanted a desk, but something with storage for fabric/crafting materials etc. I found this on on Pinterest. It's basically two small bookshelves and a hollow core door. I liked that I could use the shelves as storage.

It still needs some work, but here she is:

I bought these cheap bookshelves that were an ugly dark wood particle board. I painted them white, stained the door a walnut shade and voila! I also repainted and re-upholstered the existing chairs. This is what they used to look like:

I am pretty happy with the overall look of the room (although I think it desperately needs a rug!...next month's project :) I also think the lamp looks blah...needs some color.

Project #2: a wreath for my front door.

Let me preface with I despise all televised sports. You take me to a game, I'm having a blast but my Type A nature will not allow me to sit in front of a TV for 4 hours watching, well, anything. My love, however is obsessed, and I don't use the word flippantly with Florida State Football. As an Alumni in the State and National Championship days, he is a die-hard fan. Being the supportive future bride, I painted our front door garnet, got him a huge FSU flag and made this to adorn our door (I've been dying to try a yarn wreath):

Lastly, I did organize the under the counter and over the sink cabinets in both bathrooms (but I won't bore you with photos, you're welcome).

Bring on February! My goals: a hand-painted rug (gulp), a wine cork monogram (eeek) and an art display frame (pppfft). Oh, and cleaning out my disgusting car! Wish me luck!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

School...um, progress??

So, I would love to say things are getting better at "school" and I suppose they kind of are....but why on Earth do toddlers act like little Cannibals?! What possesses them to bite one another? Anger? Frustration? A hankerin' for human flesh?? Seriously. Maddie got her first bite last week. It left quite the impression. Both on her (she relived it non-stop for a day, "Mia bite me." I'm still wondering if maybe she was provoked? :) and on her arm!

Then, she got sick. I mean, fluids of varying colors, textures and smells emitting from every orifice in the poor child's body kind of sick. Ugh.

I'm hoping it gets better. She does seem to be adjusting overall though...a little hesitant when I drop her off but not as tearful and traumatized. Yay...something to squelch my guilt. She seems to be liked alot by the teacher(s) who constantly comment about how smart she is and how she makes them laugh with what she says. I know this to be true and not some way to make me feel better because this child comes up with all kinds of random hilarity on a daily basis.

I suppose I am kind of excited about a child in "school", with projects to bring home and events upcoming. Her class planted vegetables a few days ago, Maddie got peas. She was very excited to bring them home in their little styrofoam cup and water them. She brought it straight to her room and put it on her windowsill where it could "be warm in the sun". Let's hope Mommy's black thumb isn't hereditary.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


The little verbose person that lives in our house has been coming up with some doozies these days. Not exactly sure why, but alot of them happen in the car. Before I forget (because they are hysterical and precious), here are a few "Maddie-isms":

~She randomly says "because" and has nothing to follow it. "I cried today because..." and quickly leaves the room.

~She'll be on the verge of getting in trouble, diverts the crisis then says "Phew, that was a close one!"

~If she thinks you may be upset with her, she examines your expression, waits for the all clear and always asks, "You happy now?"

~she'll take a bite of something random and proclaim, "Ummm, that's tasty!"

~I suppose her ego has been appropriately stroked because she is constantly admiring herself..."I'm so CUTE!", etc. Of course, she has no restraint in her compliments toward others either. When I was sick recently she said, "What's wrong Mommy?" ME: "Mommy's not feeling good." She ponders, "Hm, because you are so gorgeous." I felt slightly better, not gonna lie.

~she's very into knowing everyone's, um, everything. "What's your favorite color Mommy?", "What's Daddy's name?", "What's Bella's favorite animal?"....very inquisitive, that one.

~she says, because, actually, especially...big words for such a little girl. Already trying to assert her intelligence, I suppose.

~instead of the obvious way it should be said, she'll say: "I wanna hold you Mommy/Daddy...". I'd like to see you try.

~going through a little frightened-of-random-things phase, she often says, "I'm scared about..." and again, you never quite know what exactly is so horrifying in a primarily pink bedroom.

~every little person is a "baby"...her age and over falling into that catergory. If you're not a grown-up, you're a baby, and "soooo cute."

~If misbehaving, she tells on herself and says "Santa's gonna come get it"....usually referring to Santa repo-ing a random Christmas gift (usually the swingset, gets her every time).

~She will grasp your face, stare into your eyes and say, "I wuv you sooooo much!!"...beyond precious! The little pistol is also so very loving.

There are a thousand and of course I can only think of these few, but I'm sure I'll be adding constantly! We definitely laugh in our house (and in the car!)...alot.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Maddie's {sigh} first day of daycare {sniffle}

Well, the time has come. Oma is worn out. Maddie is bored. It is time. Daycare...ugh. I have avoided it as long as possible. I have so enjoyed her having one-on-one attention, avoiding colds and various other illness. I have realized however, that while she has those advantages, she has no real interaction with other children, with the exception of play dates, etc. and is really not being challenged. She's a bright kiddo, that one and I don't want to feel like we are holding her back in any way either socially or educationally. She is at a point I believe she needs to be challenged a bit more, and she could certainly use some structure and getting used to routines. While all reasonable, it is so traumatizing both for her and for us. I am writing this a couple of days in, so the first day she was fine! She walked into class and promptly announced "Hi Kids! I Maddie!" and proceeded to go willingly to her teacher to be shown the classroom. Since then, however, it has all been downhill.

She is crying when I pick her up and now when I drop her off. This has been really tough for me. She just seems so dejected. Maddie is many things: smart, willful, silly....sad is not one of them. It's getting worse each day....everyone says to give it a week (or more!) and hopeful it will get easier. I sure hope so...

On a lighter note, a couple of the teachers commented on her advanced verbal skills and seemed to be very impressed with her ability to communicate. Proud Mamma....

It was also Piper's Birthday that first day of "school" so we met the Lantz's for Moe's! and cupcakes. I figured my poor, traumatized baby deserved a cupcake!

She was very excited to be turning one...sweet girl!


Why do I keep doing this??

"I would sooner give birth than do this again.", the words I uttered mere moments after finishing last year. Let me explain: I am no runner. I have heard about the "runner's high" but have never experienced it. I hate mornings, I get bored....everything that is required to truly be a runner, I am pathetically lacking. So why do I keep doing this to myself?! I do it for the cause and with hopes to stay in some semblance of shape. And, if I'm being totally honest, I like getting medals. It makes me all warm and fuzzy (after the nausea and faint-feeling wears off, that is). I am a reluctant runner yet there is something awesome about accomplishing this physical feat, the camaraderie of the team of Crusaders, the money and awareness raised in the months leading up to the event. It's truly remarkable and while I despise the actual running part, I am honored to be a part of it. So, I conned my friend Gwen to join me in the relay. It was the first time Disney has hosted a relay. Last year I ran the half and selfishly wanted to run a different course and get a different medal. She was open to the idea sooo...

First, we went to Wide World of Sports to get our race packets. We didn't bring Maddie this year since we couldn't swing a trip to Disney and we were only going for the race and coming right home. Yaya was more than happy to have her to herself overnight :)We signed the Cigna wall (I personally like Garret's sentiment. :)

Sssshhhh...not exactly ideal pre-run behavior...

Pre-run pasta dinner at T-Rex in Downtown Disney...great place!

Here comes my partner...she did awesome!Off I went....

Might as well have some fun while trying not to die. I mean, who can resist Elvis?!

ALMOST there....

And, if I'm being honest, my second motivation (after fundraising for Childhood Cancer, of course)... A MEDAL!

My amazing support system!

The Marathoners (and me :) Gwen and I were the only relay team...

And what does a girl want after burning a zillion calories running 13.1 miles??? An entire pizza and a bucket of sangria. Oh, and a hot tub.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy 2012!!!

While Maddie was fast asleep...
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