Thursday, September 13, 2018

Killing kindy!💪

I have to admit....I was a bit worried about this one. What with the inability to sit still,  penchant for firing a gazillion questions in under a minute and general class clown shenanigans....but he's has totally redeemed himself! He's showing Kindergarten who's boss. Perfect grades,  top of the behavior chart,  line leader.... all in the first quarter!

Here's to hoping it's not all downhill from here...

Family photos

It has been a hot minute (like 3 years) since we had professional family photos done. I honestly can't justify paying that much money....especially when I take 47 bazillion weekly myself. BUT, that said, I am rarely in them cause I'm taking them so...

I won a free session with this ah-mazing photog friend and I am so in love....

Who knew we were so adorable? ;)

She legitimately said..."ok guys, look at the one with the stinkiest feet." Dude....this kid has the nastiest hooves! I don't know what he does all day with his tootsies but when we can't decipher between whether or not he took his shoes off or the dog pooped, we've got real problems....

But look how adorable they are...

They were full on slapping each other minutes before his photo.

This guy.....doesn't get better.

Looking at these makes me realize how blessed I am...we are. These three are my people. I've never felt more of a sense of belonging than when we're together.
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