Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Saving pennies for a rainy day.

Our old neighbor got Maddie this ceramic pig when she was born. I have decided Maddie will learn the value of the dollar...at an early age! I grew up very lower middle class so there were chores with no allowance, hand-me-downs (from older BROTHERS) and simple meals. Hoping better for her, but still understanding the importance of appreciating hard work and it's pay-offs as well as saving is something we want her to appreciate. For now, it's a fun lesson in dexterity trying to put spare change in the frustrating little slot! And our little "spirited" child definitely gets frustrated!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

What sounds like a great day to me? The beach and my family. Being spoiled a little (which I was). Pretty much perfection!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Lookin for Ladybugs!

Maddie happened upon one of the spotted-winged beauties and was quite captivated....

Sunday, May 1, 2011


So there is this little...farm?... in town kind of by a major road which is weird...anyway, there are a buncha goats just wandering around in a fenced area. Rumor has it kids love it! You can buy feed and watch them go crazy but since it was Sunday and they were closed, we improvised with grass. I have a feeling it had a similar affect....
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