Wednesday, February 19, 2020

NEHS Induction

So proud of this girl! Today she was inducted into the National Elementary School Honor Society. I love that the school chose to single out children for not only their academic achievements but for character and community service as well. We couldn't be prouder...more proud?....meh, she's clearly the smartest of us all.

She just HAD to have this dress....against my better judgement that it was a weeeeee bit fancy (it's completely covered in clear sequins) but, watching her leave the dressing room, beaming and doing a slow turn, I could not deny her. And, yes, she was the most dressed up but she rocked it like the beautiful, glittery, rainbow unicorn princess that she is.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Academic Fair!

The Academic Fair was a big deal this year! 

The "Wax Museum" is a major tradition at Edison Park and Maddie finally got to do it! The kids dress in character and have a "button" that once pushed, begins their monologue, in character, about their chosen historical figure. She chose Louisa May Alcott of the options provided by her teacher. She researched for weeks, read Little Women....then came the costume. Amazon Prime for the win, once again. BUT then: "Mom, she has brown hair....". Ummmm. A wig (she refused)? So we settled on brown hair spray and ya'll....she looked so different. It was weird. But she nailed her assignment AND looked the part.

The littlest muffin did the Dr. Suess inspired project, which was to create a rhyming character. He chose a "Nug in a mug". They had to create their own character, draw it out and then execute a 3D model of it.

I love that they get so into the projects....and that they love their amazing, arts school that forces them to use their creative skills cause we sure do! 

A couple of years ago, we began "Boo-ing" our neighbors. We make treats to drop on their doorstep and then ding-dong-ditch them! The kids think it's hilarious! 

We love Halloween so much that we find the most ridiculous ways to entertain ourselves for the entire month of October....

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Valentine's Day 2020♡

We don't typically go to nutty on Valentine's Day...this year we knew we'd be spending most of it on the basketball court so we took the kids out on individual dates. Gavin dragged me to Chuck E. Cheese's and Garret and Maddie went to her fave, Jason's Deli and then mini golfing (preeeeetty sure I got the short end of the stick...). 

We had a work event and attempted to get festive with our heart glasses 

As we do so many holidays this time of year, we spent most of the evening on the basketball court. Garret surprised me with a hotel room in Punta Gorda so I met him at the game and we were able to go out to the local tiki bar and listen to some live music. 

It doesn't much matter what we do as long as we're together...

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