Sunday, August 28, 2011

First Boating/Tubing experience!

Our good friends, Trisha and Jason and Trisha's mom Sheri and her husband Greg invited us boating...Maddie's first time!! It was pretty great...the weather was amazing, the company even better and Little Miss Daredevil tubed, yes tubed. I still can't believe it, no fear! I was way more nervous than she was! She squealed and laughed when the boat took off and shouted to go faster while on the tube (as I was threatening Jason's life if he went any faster than what was required to move the the thing). I love that she has such a sense of adventure but I also want to keep her in bubble. I mean, this is my most precious responsibility...hard not to be a nervous nelly :)

Let's gooooooooooo!!

"Practice tubing..."

Hanging with the boys!

A little high five...

And a much-needed nap break!

Just one of the boys (or flirting...hmmm.....)

Almost home....perfect day!

Monday, August 15, 2011


Hee, hee....look at them! Garret was doing push-ups and Maddie (in tutu and hair bow no less), decided to make the challenge 23 pounds more difficult!
She's been into getting a "ride" from us (essentially a piggy back) so if you're on her level even a teeny bit, she mounts and yells "RIDE!"...that's what she's doing here. She cracks me up! I see a request for a pony in my future....

Monday, August 8, 2011

A major bruise and a minor heart attack

Maddie got her first major boo-boo a couple days ago. I can't decide if it was more traumatic for me or her! She and Bella were playing and she fell into a door frame...head-first. It immediately swelled into an egg-shaped lump and had this distinct red line where she made contact. The sound that came out of her literally scared the daylights out of me! Being in the medical field, I don't usually get too upset or panicked but this was different. The lump, her scream....blech. Terrifying. She, of course, was fine once she calmed down. She and Bella resumed their antics and I wiped my tears while we watched her for a few hours before bedtime. I'm sure many more boo-boos are to follow but I certainly hope they are minor and few and far between!! I (we) need time to recover!

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