Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween 2017

ONE guesss who picked out this year's theme? Begins with a 'G' and ends with an 'avin'. But he reeeeeaaaaaalllly wanted to be Bowser. Um, like there's no costume in the world for this so, yet again, mamma has to pull out all her creative bag of tricks. And she daid ya'll. Down to the triangular water cups used for the spikes on his hell. Boom!

These severed hot dog fingers were quite the hit!

Maddie's boyfr....er, friend Morlu joined us for a bit. She could barely contain herself.

I friggin LOVE Halloween. Do I hope one day my children are smart and successful? Yeah, yeah, sure but pleeeeease let them love Halloween!!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Hunsader Farms

So I'm currently into all things farm....I mean, I don't think I'd love an ACTUAL farm, with the work and animals but the decor, vibe...yes! The kiddos and I found us one, with a great fall festival (I say "fall"  as you can see the sweat dripping off of us if you look closely).

It was really cute and there was lots for the kids to do...even if I left having spent like 200 bucks. ;)

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