Saturday, June 18, 2011

Just a yucky day...with a tutu on.

She really wanted to dress herself today. And go out in a storm. Sure, seems like a great idea.
Little Miss Independent.

Maddie, meet the potty.

Um, I don't think that's how you use it!

Guess we're gonna need puppy pads.

I thought getting Maddie comfortable with the potty would be, well, a good thing. I certainly don't expect her, at almost-two, to potty train completely, but I figured "meeting" the potty, getting to understand the process might be fun. Well, if having a new "puppy" to clean up accidents after is fun, then this was a BLAST! Hee, hee... We'll keep practicing, but I think we may wanna hold off just a little longer! She seems interested but not quite ready...she does love her new Minnie panties, however :)

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