Wednesday, October 23, 2013

She's more.

I saw this video on a friend's Facebook page and it got me thinking about my little stand -out -from- the -crowd girl. She certainly marches to the beat of her own...tap shoes.

I have ashamedly realized recently that I've tried to "box her in", will her to be like those well-mannered, obeying, easy-breezy kids I see whose moms surely have it all together. They just give "the look" and BAM, perfect children. I've been frustrated with my inability to get her to just "do what I tell you already". I've essentially tried to change her. Inadvertently but nonetheless... I have just recently started to see her for who  she truly is...that would not be a laid-back, pleasing, pliable child. She is strong-willed, smart, defiant, witty, independent...she will not back down. She will question, challenge and rarely humor you. I sometimes just plain don't know what to do with her. I find myself endlessly frustrated and dejected at my own parenting skills and inability to reign her in.

Then, as I was marching in her room to spank her a few weeks ago...which we hadn't previously done often but nothing seemed to be effective (and we have ruuuun the gamut...I mean, RUN.IT.) and several well-intentioned friends thought that may "wake her up". I am not opposed to spanking, let me be clear. I think it can be useful tool and Lord knows I was raised in a spanking household...ok maybe I'm a bad example...;) I am, however, opposed to increasing the aggression because you don't see the efficacy of what you're doing. Maddie did not respond to spanking. It didn't change the behavior and only increased my anxiety about creating an unnecessary fear with no results. So, I instead walked in her room and we talked. That's right...we chatted. I was yelled out, spanked out...just out.of.options. We talked calmly about her behavior, the results I expected, how to avoid future conflicts and low and behold, it kinda worked. I'm not saying I don't always talk to her but I sometimes don't credit her enough with how intelligent she is. She comprehends much more than I realize and she's extremely empathetic to making me upset and wants to do well and make the right choices. She just has no impulse control. No filter. WHERE does this come from?? ;) As adults we have the luxury of gaining maturity and FOUR year old is me with NONE of that. Eeeek. So we talked. We reasoned. We hugged and reminded each other how much we love one another. So sweet. So peaceful. More importantly so effective.

She is all of those things I mentioned above....which I now realize is exactly everything I hoped my little girl would be. She's just a little...more. And in the more is where my learning and grace happens. I now know I can't, won't and don't want to change her. It is about learning to let her be all the wonderful things she is while teaching her respect, control and good decision making. She is everything I could ever ask for....even with the more. Especially with the more.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The great kitchen fire of 2013....

What can I say? I wasn't even cooking. Oddly, I have yet to start a fire from actually meal-making. This may be worse. I was sterilizing bottle nipples....yes, I know it isn't  1957 and no, I do not use those handy-dandy microwave dooflickies (which, after the fact, I found tucked neatly away in one of my four junk drawers). If I'm being real, I throw those mugs in the dishwasher and boom, done but I was noticing they were looking a little, um, cloudy? Filmy? Thought I'd be a "good mom" and properly clean them. Threw them in a pot, ran out of the house in a frenzy, both kids in tow. For. An. Hour. And a half. Fast forward to key in lock, twist, followed by billowing smoke in the face. Oh. No. Sadly, I didn't remember until.that.very.moment. Cue the firemen, hopelessly looking for answers from a mortified mom of two. There may or may not have been chuckling. 

 There was no real damage (thank you Jesus!) but the mess....I mean it was everywhere!!!! Soot everywhere. Ugh. My punishment for my stupidity.

Silver lining? They entertained Maddie, let her play with the equipment and get on the truck....and she kinda developed her first fireman crush. Shout out to "Mr. Dave".

It's Fall Ya'll!

Ahhhhh, Fall....the season I complain the most about. I wait impatiently for the crisp air, color changes but alas, it is not to be. I do however look forward to Lakes Park Fall Festival each year. This year? Um, 96 degrees with NO was miserable!  Usually I am cranky about it all by myself...this time we were ALL over it! We literally stayed 20 minutes for fear of dehydration. pppfffth. At least we got a moment of shade and cute family pic out of the ordeal ;)

And, as we do each Fall, we make a stop at people's excuse for beer and fried'll get no complaints from me!

 Mo, Rob and Mom were there with a booth for Caleb's Crusade so we got to hang with them too!

 I don't even drink beer (how I am German I do not know...). Poser...

Friday, October 11, 2013

She's baaaaaack!

Welp, we're back at Dance. We kind of stopped because Maddie seemed, hm...uninterested? She wasn't excited about going and frankly, it's kinda pricey so unless she enjoyed it, no go. After missing a few weeks she started to ask again. I was hesitant to bring her to the same school....I realized she (nor I) really liked the teacher. She was kinda...mean. I am the first to admit Maddie can use some discipline and structure but this was a bit excessive. They kinda made it feel very competition-based and Dance Mom-ish. The one fear I have in life is having to deal with crazy coaches and worse, crazier moms. When I saw my old high school friend Kim at our reunion, she reminded me she teaches Maddie's age at another school...perfect! Kim has three kids of her own and she's been a lover and student of dance for years! we are, at Robin Dawn, LOVING it. What a difference! Maddie is so excited to go and Miss Kim seems to think she's got lots of natural talent :). I swear I won't turn into a stage mom. But I will, no doubt be the embarrassing, sobbing one at her first recital.

Friday, October 4, 2013

9 months. Pffttthh.

 Well, Gavin is NINE months old!! He craws, pulls himself up, weighs 22 pounds and is 28 inches long.

 I know I should think it's all so very exciting. The fact that only 3 more monthly tie stickers remain. He's almost one. He's so big. He craws and pulls up and says Mamma,'s all just too fast. I feel like a broken record but it's all just happening at lightening speed it seems. I just want to breathe in every moment of his preciousness. And I want it to slow down. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

40 by 40

Ok, here it is. My 40 things to do by 40 list. Making this made me realize how many amazing things I've already done!! I've lead a blessed life but these are some of those things I have never had the confidence or frankly time to do but always wanted to try or simply do because it's been too long since I have done them. I made this keeping my very limited budget and the fact I have two little kiddos at home in mind.  I also fully realize I may not get them all done. I have ADD. It's undiagnosed but I, and anyone that knows me well, can attest to this. I don't wanna put too much pressure on myself but the aforementioned condition does seem to be alleviated with some list-making, task-acheiving and accountability...

I have 325 days. Guess I better get going!

1. take a cooking class
2. go on a picnic
3. host a fancy dinner party (with china, CLOTH napkins and silverware in the right place and everything ;)
4. write a letter of forgiveness to someone I've been angry at (where to begin ;)
5. make a family tree
6. go to a concert
7. run a marathon
8. learn a magic trick
9. write a letter to myself to be opened on my 40th birthday
10. write a song...
11. ...perform it live!
12. learn guitar (to be used for embarrassment above!)
13. watch a sunset/sunrise in its entirety
14. become an American Citizen
15. play in the snow

16. go camping
17. do a mud run

18. serve the homeless
19. donate bone marrow
20. walk in the rain/jump in puddles with Maddie
21.chew breath mints in the dark in a theater on Broadway while attending a show in NYC!! This would recreate an amazing life experience from 6th grade :)
22. get baptized (I was as a pre-teen but would like to reaffirm my commitment to God)
23. have a boudoir photo done (yeah, gonna need a little while for this one...)
24. do something drastic to my hair
25. start my own small business
26. read 5 books JUST for fun (no parenting, self-help etc!)
27. climb a tree (without breaking a limb...mine or the tree's)
28. go on a day trip with a friend
29. recreate our first date
30. try a new sport
31. go an entire weekend with no TV (pretty sure the fam will not be on board)
32. have family photos done

33. kidnap my husband and do something fabulous
34. by an expensive something I don't usually care about (purse, shoes, bra...)
35. find a reason to wear my wedding dress again
36. get another tattoo

37. grow something without killing it
38. organize my life (there are not enough days...)
39. finally have a headboard (make one, SOMETHING so it doesn't look like we live in a college dorm)
40. recreate a childhood photo
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