Saturday, December 26, 2009

Fa La La La La.....

Maddie's first Christmas has come and gone! It was perfect! We had Garret's family over for breakfast and presents. Maddie basically just ripped the paper while we struggled to keep her from eating it! Then we headed to my family's...more presents and more paper munching! Lastly, off to Garret's mom's for yet MORE presents and dinner! We had a tough time shopping for her as she is in this "in between" stage. Too little for a lot of toys, but too big for baby-ish toys. So, we settled on lotsa things that light up, that she can chew on and that make noise! My mom got her an outdoor swing, which she loves! I so enjoyed watching my little baby girl on her very first Christmas, not really caring about much other than that she was surrounded by those she loves. The best present of all? Family...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snooooowwww!!

Ahhhhh, Ohio. The midwest at its finest! Let me describe the area from which Garret's mom, Susie's family is from. Greenfield, Ohio, population less than 5,000. Farms...literally everywhere. Two continuously blinking. Everyone knows everyone AND their business. Just like small town America should be! Being from larger towns myself, this was complete culture shock for me! I have to admit, it was really great!! Everyone was so welcoming and sweet to us. When a dinner was made, people would just come over with every imaginable side dish, dessert and a plate of gossip (I kid...sort of). They were truly some of the kindest, most genuine people I have ever met! His aunt Jan and her husband Lonnie have this lovely home that they opened to us all and made us feel so welcome. Garret's grandparents live just down the street so we got to see them every day! There were 4 generations in one room with Maddie there. We had a blast playing Wii, talking, drinking wine, playing with the relaxing and fun. And then it came....more snow than I had seen since my days in Colorado. It was beautiful! We ran outside like kids and had a snowball fight, made a snowman. And it was Maddie's first plane ride! She did great...not a peep either leg! During takeoff, her eyes would widen like saucers, but she was amazingly calm and well-behaved! I could have stayed for much longer. It was the most relaxed I have felt in so long. No calls, schedules, appointments. It made me realize taking the time for family and taking care of the soul should aways be a priority! Thank you Greenfield, for your warmth and generosity!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Maddie meets Santa!!

We are evil, cruel people...Garret and I. We decide, on one of the hottest days in early December, to wrap our precious daughter in the heaviest, hottest Santa-imitation (down to the goofy hat) outfit to have her picture taken with the jolly, old fella. And why Costco decided to have this photo session OUTSIDE their store, is beyond me. Mind you, it was CHEAP! I think we paid about 20 bucks to get a bunch of photos in various sizes and 10 Christmas cards. But was it really worth it?! I mean, the poor thing is sweating her little bum off and letting us know all about how unhappy she is about it all. Naturally, Santa and his elves thought she was just precious and fussed over her...all to my dismay. I just wanted them to HURRY already so I could get my poor baby out of the felt disaster and into some lightweight cotton for crying out loud! So, in the photo, she looks miserable and as I am ripping her out of Santa's arms and profusely apologizing to her for forcing her to wear that God-forsaken monstrosity, he leans over and annoyingly says "How do you think I feel?!". Touche', Santa, touche'.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

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