Sunday, July 24, 2016

My first catch!

Yes, I do live in Florida. For 25 years. And no, I've never caught a fish. Until now.
Scott and Becky invited us on their boat and being all girly and what not, I was super jazzed to catch some rays while the boys caught fish (Maddie spent the weekend with Aunt Mo).
Scott was determined to get the pole in my hand and, being gracious, I obliged him. He took us to his favorite spot and, low and behold, I got a bite! He reeled it in and, as I turned to apply the sunscreen for said sunbathing, he stuffed the pole in my hand. Again. And again, another bite. This time, I reeled that sucker in all by myself! It felt like JAWS himself. Seriously. But, after fighting with it for what felt like,  minutes, it was like 10 inches long. Still. A fish. ME! Not to brag, but I was on fire after that! I caught like 7 more. Keepers even. Totally got cocky.
We had a great time. Gavin wasn't as into it as I hoped, but he loved sitting in the lookout tower, being up high and scooting along!

The"jumping whilst catching a football", I wasn't so good at. I'll stick to snook-catching!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Fort Myers 2016

Every year I swear I'm not doing another party at home. It's sooo much work....
I look into other places and it's super expensive and limit your guest list. Plus Miss Thang comes up with some fancy ideas and wants me to bring them to life. And I totes love doing it.
We did another party. At home. 
I will say, though, this was super fun, not very expensive and something totally new! I was showing Maddie a video about the Summer Olympics gymnasts and she was as enamored as I was! We were saying how excited we were to watch them when she says, "I wish we could do an Olympics birthday party...". Um, sweetie, have we met?

So, Fort Myers 2016 came to life!

When the athletes arrived, they were given a gold medal to decorate and personalized racing bibs.

We kept the food simple and Olympics themed!

When everyone got there, we did the "opening ceremony", complete with torches!

Let the games begin!

We set up various events around the yard...

The Winner's Circle!

I loved this party and so did our little firecracker! She's always so grateful which makes all the work worth it! 


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