Thursday, September 27, 2012

Baby Gavin, week 24

Yesterday was my 24 week check up. Gavin looks perfect, weighing in at about 1.5 pounds (doesn't quite explain the 16 I've gained ;) with a heart rate of 154.

They did all of his measurements and said he looks great (in contrast to always being told Maddie measured so small!). His little profile reminds me so much of Maddie's...I don't know if that's crazy but I imagine him looking just like her! Could be worse, she's purdy darn cute!

As for mom, I am um, kinda miserable. I know, whiny. I can't help it. My back hurts, my sciatic nerve gives out, I have heartburn, I'm not sleeping well (he moves, CONSTANTLY, especially at night!).....all with a job and crazy little toddler. Millions of women do it every day, I keep telling myself but I just feel so much more generally uncomfortable this time. It's all worth it though for my little baby boy...getting so excited to meet him!

Friday, September 21, 2012

School Photo Day!

Today was school picture day! The girls looked super cute, as per the usual! OK, I may be slightly partial :)
Maddie looked precious in her custom headband and gingham...if only she'll keep it on and not do the goofy overbite smile she's been insisting on!
Bella has adorable new glasses that she's been really proud of...these two are just too cute! Can't wait to see the end result!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Just cause she's cute ;)

I have to admit....I sort of enjoy this "somber" side of Maddie sometimes. She's always such the spitfire that these peaceful moments are nice. I wouldn't trade her silly spunky side, she keeps us entertained all the time but this was a rare moment of calm. She was jut watching TV, slowly kicking her little legs up and down, resting her face in her hands as though she was entrenched in meaningful thought. I can't help but think how really sweet and beautiful her little face is. I love her soft features and big brown eyes. She's getting so big....*sigh*

Monday, September 10, 2012

Grandparent's Day

I am embarrassed to admit I knew no such holiday existed until I saw it on, where else? Pinterest! There was this cute butterfly project that I swiftly copied (due to lack of creativity). I invited the Grandparent's for a fab dinner (also stolen, ahem, copied from Pinterest) and quality time. It was nice. I think they appreciated it....not nearly as much as we appreciate all they do for us!

Thursday, September 6, 2012


This past weekend was FSU's first game of the season! I am an admitted reluctant fan of, well, pretty much all televised sports but my husband's obsession with his Alma Mater has inspired me to play along...ish.

Since none of my last years gear fit, Garret had this shirt made for me :) Pretty cute, I thought! Maddie looked adorable in her cheerleader outfit and customized bow from

The Seminoles won and we had a great time! Looking forward to a winning season (A: so I don't have to deal with the grumpiness after each game and B: his poor Dolphins look horrid this year :)

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