Saturday, January 28, 2017

Gavin's first Basketball game!

So this character desperately needed an activity. He never.stops.moving.

Since Daddy's a basketball freak/coach/player, well, duh. He's never played or shown any interest but he sure seems to be having fun...can't say he's super skilled (he'd prefer to spin in circles and chew on his jersey) but, as Garret says, kids are starting sports sooo young. I mean, they have the attention span of an gnat. Some worse than others....


I'll say this, it might be one of the cutest things I've ever seen! Kids running aimlessly, all rules being broken....guarding everyone but the person that has the ball....worth the fee for playing all day!

Friday, January 27, 2017

Clifford the Big Red Dog

It's literacy week at Ft Myers High so the Little Waves were told they could dress as their favorite book character today. I asked Gavin who he'd like to dress up as, cause, frankly, he's not as into books as Maddie was...he can't sit still for long enough to finish one! I suggested Pete The Cat, cause he does love those books but out of nowhere, he says "Clifford!". Ok. We don't even own a Clifford the Big Red Dog book but okie dokie.
Turns out, it's his favorite at school. Also his favorite at school is Graysen. He talks about her constantly! After googling some Clifford DIY ideas, I kept seeing a girl with the dog. Gavin told me that it's Emily Elizabeth, Clifford's owner. In some of the pics siblings/friends were dressed up together and, LIGHTBULB, maybe Graysen could be Emily. Her mom loved the idea, and another shot for the wedding slideshow is born...


Ms. Hollan even got in one the fun!

I can't say enough about how awesome this program has been for us all....Gavin loves it and is learning so much, Garret gets to see him whenever he wants, it's affordable and most of all, fun!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Social Media's good for somethin!

 So, this blog has always been meant as a family journal of sorts. Who has time for scrapbooks anymore? And actually printing pictures? Never! 

My intention has been to document the important moments of our family's lives. Mostly, it's about the kids cause they're cute and stuff but if they are to one day look back at this...I'd like them to see this part of the story. My story.

Last week, I got a message on Facebook. Because this person was not on my friend's list, I got a quick notification and I honestly forgot to check it. It came from an unfamiliar, albeit very German name, Monika Dorsch. As I was checking another message, I noticed it there again, in bold letters, unread. I opened it and it was all in German, which I can speak very little and read even less. I could however make out that she lived in Germany and the names of my brothers, myself, my mom father. Let me pause to fill you in on that part of the story....

My parents divorced when I was 3. As has been told to me, my father was in prison for 3 years for robbing a bar. While there, they divorced and my mom met my Air Force Master Sergeant Stepdad, Wayne, stationed in Germany. They soon married and had my sister, Monique. After his time in prison, there was no contact between my father and I. He apparently would take my brothers on occasion but never me. I'm not sure why...shame? Guilt? Fear?

I don't know the full story and exactly what happened but I know we lived on base and moved to America when I was 8. I never even knew the story of my father until I was a teenager and what I just shared is all I know apart from the fact that he and my mom were high school sweethearts and he played guitar. That's it. That's all I know.
I saw a photo of him for the first time ever in my 20's.
 He and my mother's wedding photo.

I've never had much emotion about him one way or another. I was well cared for and although my stepdad wasn't very affectionate, he took in my mom and her three children and treated us like his own until he and my mom eventually divorced. He passed away shortly after from cancer. I will always be grateful to him for being the only father I ever knew.

At that time, I started to feel oddly curious. I have never wanted a relationship, as I felt he clearly never pursued one but I became interested in that side of my family. It's odd to be missing a piece of the puzzle. At the time, my aunt lived fairly close to him and had seen him out one day. I decided to write a letter and ask her to help me get it to him. I did and he never responded. Again, I wasn't upset but I decided to just let it go. I tried to reach out and he wasn't interested. Ball dropped. No biggie.

Fast forward to last week. This lady, after very awkwardly trying to communicate with each other is my aunt. My father's sister. She also contacted my mom so she was able to tell me what I was missing. She was Monika DITSCHER Dorsch. She just searched Ditscher and found us. She and my father don't have a relationship, although I'm not sure the reasons.

 She's been so excited! She sends photos and emojis every morning and signs off as TANTE (Aunt) Monika. It's really been amazing. I feel like I have this whole other family I never knew. Her mother, my grandmother is 91 years old! Monika is married and has a grown son. She began just sending photos of herself, her mother, her view, her dinner, her cats. Then she sent a couple of my father as a boy/young man. I assume she doesn't have a recent one due to their falling out but again, the communication is minimal so I don't know the details.

 My mom told me she spoke to my father's wife and she also wanted to reach out. Then, as if all of this isn't overwhelming enough, she sends me this photo:

She says, in her awkward attempt at english, this is my "brudder". I have a half brother! I immediately could see a resemblance to my brothers, especially Andy when he was younger.

I have no idea where all of this is going and if I just keep communication with her, that would be ok. She seems to be very happy to have found us and I have really enjoyed knowing that someone from my father's side was curious and did want to know us. If that's as far as it goes, that's just fine by me. 

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Gavin is....*gulp*...four!

Calling all Superheroes! 

Super Gavin turned FOUR! Whaaaaaat? And it.was.awesome. I mean, after the tears (mine), we had a super fun party at Caleb's Memorial Park which just made it all the more special!

It was cold. I mean like, bone chilling, freezing for us blood thinned Floridians kinda cold! And the park was fully in the shade. Br. 

BUT, I'll take that over the 89 degree Elmo party a couple years back thank you very much.

 The kids each got a cape...

 Themey food, cause well,I'm a dork.....


After some mask decorating.....

...It was time for Superhero training camp. I mean, you have to have basic Superhero skills to call yourself one, no?

Leaping over tall buildings in a single bound!

Capturing the Kryptonite!

Running faster than as speeding bullet (Garret and Scott pelted them with Nerf guns while they ran and enjoyed it a whee bit too much...)

Diffusing "bombs"

And, of course, testing your web slinging abilities.....

All his best buds were there! 




I feel so cliche and redundant when I endlessly complain about how fast time is going....

You could say at the speed of light...see what I did there?

But it is. This is my baby. And four is so....not a baby anymore. He is becoming more independent and wants to go play and just be. I just crave his little self snuggled into my arms, from which he now overflows. 

But I adore the little guy he is silly and sweet. He knows nothing of just walking. His mode of transport is running, skipping, jumping....walking he does not do. He is so loyal and loves fiercely. And that smile and laugh...I dare anyone be exposed to it and not feel better instantly. 

He is super in every way. 
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