Friday, May 9, 2014


So I've always heard what a difference there is between boys and girls. I never quite understood why until recently. 
Gavin has been an absolute terror lately. I mean this in the most loving way of course...he has the sweetest disposition but physically, he's a maniac! His entire mission in life, I am convinced, is to destroy anything in his path. We have nicknamed him Hurricane Gavin. The category just depends on the day.
He pulls, climbs, throws....generally just demolishes everything. Mind you, after the smoke clears, he'll come give you a big kiss and flash that adorable grin as if to say "Sorry Mom." How can anyone be mad at that face??

Today, he kept running back and forth from the living room to the kids' bathroom, bringing out a various item, throwing it and running back to collect something else. I followed him in, just to make sure he isn't throwing anything into the toilet (one of his many famous moves)....

And what is he doing? Just throwing things in the sink. And toilet. And all over the floor.

Nothing is safe....

Who, me?! I would never.....

1 comment:

Becky said...

Boys are just the best, aren't they :)

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