Sunday, March 30, 2014

7 teeth!!

Our big boy is starting to brush his SEVEN teeth! Poor buddy is having a rough seems he gets a couple at a time and he's so miserable. Makes Mamma so sad...

My friend Colleen was kind enough to let us borrow her baby's amber teething necklace. The idea is that amber, as it warms on the baby's skin is a natural analgesic. Not sure I buy it but he looks like an adorable little surfer dude so I'm sticking with it!

It's so cute when babies get their changes the landscape of their entire faces! I love this baby's smile! He has his Daddy's infectious grin...good thing he'll be living in my basement till he's forty. I'd be beating off the girls! I mean, look at him....


Chrissy Richter said... is it that TJ has 8 teeth and he's 9 months old?? What the hey? You're right, it totally changes their faces. I love it! But don't love when he bites me. I can do without that! When did you start brushing Gavin's teeth? I wonder if I should be doing it for Teej...

Jess said...

WE started pretty much when he had like 4 or 5 teeth...I mean, it's just to get them in the swing of it at this he wants to do everything his Sissy does ;)

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