Wednesday, July 25, 2012

It's a....

Is that weird?? I mean the pic of my baby son's privates?? He's going to kill me for this one day I am certain.
But, HOW EXCITING! I can't help it! We went to the doctor yesterday for our 15 week check-up and she could already tell! We were hoping to find out....soooo much more curious than the first time around (I actually wanted to wait until she was born). The ultrasound tech said she knew immediately and upon rescanning the area and showing us, it was, um obvious. Quite different than little girls. I cried and Garret just grinned from ear to ear. He has been so diplomatic about his preference about the sex but I just know he was really hoping for a boy. Knowing it would be our last and his family's last chance to carry on the Copeland name, I hoped it for him. Maddie, on the other hand, kept insisting it's a "gurl baby" although we tried to tell her differently. She won't be deterred. Let's hope she doesn't dress him in bonnets and put make-up on him one day.
After the appointment, we told our families and then I met the girls for a "reveal dinner". I made cupcakes with one center being the blue. Colleen bit into and in true Colleen fashion squealed and turned it around to reveal the blue center:

The girls were excited (most of them have boys!). Our families all thought it was a boy (weird, I had not a single feeling...). We are settled on Caleb for a middle name, to honor the angel who originated it, but a first name is still elusive, although we have some contenders.
I am nervous to parent a boy..I hear it's so different but as in life, you adjust your care and treatment of those around you based on their personalities etc. so I should figure it out! What I know for sure is how blessed we are. I truly have everything I ever dreamed of: a fabulous husband, 2 healthy children, a job I love, good friends....I was rich in the dream but hey, I am wealthy in more ways than I can count!

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