Sunday, July 8, 2012

We completed our mission!

Once again, Maddie's Birthday party request was in a theme that is non-existent in mass production! The Little Einsteins is her fave these days and there is nothing related to them, um, anywhere so I was left to my crafty-ish devices yet again. I promised it would be low key...for several reasons A: the child doesn't care! Maddie's requests were "cake, balloons and a candle". Done! and B: it's too stressful and again, she just wanted to swim with friends! My favorite parties as a kid were just at home, with my friends having fun! Soooo....
My first "mission" (hee hee, play on the show: the kids go on a mission in their rocket ship each episode...). was "rocket", the kids' transportation and friend through their adventures. I literally cried tears over this thing (and shouted some four letter words, but I'm trying to erase those from my memory). It was so much more time consuming than I expected but, in the end, the look on Maddie's face when she saw it was absolutely worth it! She loved it and my husband rolling out the fondant was pretty sexy, so all in all, a success!

 I also made cupcakes since, well, cupcakes are awesome and made little picks for them again featuring the gang! I also copped out and just threw a buncha candy in a bowl and put out bags for the kids to grab what their little hearts desired. Sorry Moms and Dads....:)

I really wanted to give Maddie a Little Einsteins-themed gift but couldn't find a thing, so I searched online and found this rocket with all the characters on Ebay for, oh, between $80 and more than $150! Um, no. Garret suggested checking Craig's List. I thought for sure there would be no such finding and BAM! Rocket and all for 20 bucks! Wha hoooo! Needless to say, she was thrilled!

After a little pool time, we brought Rocket out for singing and dessert!

And last but not least...PRESENTS!!

As usual, my girls were there for support and brought their great kids! We missed our families though, who were almost all out of town on vacay!

I almost forgot!! Our friends, the Dorrs gave Mads their son's Jeep! Jason fixed it up and it has a RADIO! She absolutely loved it!

Hope you had a fabulous party baby girl!!! XO

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