Monday, July 2, 2012

Aaaaaaalmost 3!

10 days. What? Where does it go?? Seriously. I feel like I open each birthday blog entry with this old cliche', but seriously??!! I am in awe of the change that each year brings. This one in particular. I like to update about her accomplishments each year, so.....

At almost 3, my baby can do the following:

1. Talk her head (and my ear) off....I mean to say, full-on conversation, to now include slang and silliness, IE: she has this way of saying "seriously??" in this valley girl, sarcastic tone that cracks me up!!
2. Play ball! She can make contact with her bat and ball while playing with her little Tball set.
3. Alllllmost swim. She goes underwater, just below the surface and propels herself forward while holding her breath. I wish she'd use her arms more but we're working on that!
4. She can identify and sound out every letter of the alphabet as well as identify words that start with that letter.
5. She counts to about 30...
6. She can put her own shoes on (on the right feet!), put pants on and undress. Shirts are still tricky and sometimes things are backwards but hey, it's all fixable!
7. Potty Training is still, um, a challenge but she has both peed and pooped on the potty just not consistently.
8. Getting the hang of pedaling her little bike.
9. She is very into shapes and letters and drawing them. She can make a circle and is making a smiley face (eyes, nose, mouth).

I also stole this idea from a friend whose daughter is a hair older than Maddie...a birthday questionnaire. The idea is to ask the same questions every year. Here goes (and I quote...)!

1. What is your favorite color? "Blue, yellow and white".
2. What makes you happy? "Daddy"
3. What is your favorite animal? "Doggies"
4. What is your favorite food? "Mac and Cheese. And cheese..."
5. What are you really good at? "Singing"
6. Who is your best friend? "Mommy" (thankful to get honorable mention)
7. What is your favorite song? "ABC's" (she proceeded to sing the whole song...twice)
8. What is your favorite thing about you? " tummy and my nose"
9. What is your favorite show? "Little Einsteins"
10. What is your favorite thing to do? "Swim"


Unknown said...

Yay! Three year olds rock! Love the interview and the fact that they both love Little Einsteins. Maybe they will be geniuses.

Jess said...

But of course...the same sex parent is the child's greatest influence, so they say. Soooo....geniuses for sure :)

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