Thursday, April 10, 2014

I gave up Facebook for Lent.

I'm not sure what possessed me, but I gave up Facebook for Lent. I'm not even Catholic. I do love the concept of self-deprivation for the sake of making a meaningful sacrifice as Jesus did by fasting in the desert for forty days. I think a little abstention of something we enjoy or feel tempted by is soul-nourishing. It reminds us to be grateful, if even only for the "little things". So while a "Facebook fast" may seem sort of a shallow sacrifice, it's been hard, Ya'll. I kinda figured it was a big issue when I was taking my phone to the bathroom lest I miss something muey importante. And, in case you were wondering, yes. Yes I have dropped electronics in the toilet before. Lesson learned? Um, no...clearly.
Don't get me wrong, I rarely do much on it after work or while I'm with the kids but at work, red lights, bathroom breaks (as per above), I figured I was due a little time-out of sorts. Now, I am in no way trying to be all pious here...I did increase my Twittering...tweeting? Whatevs. Mostly to nag Jimmy Fallon about avoiding hiatus during my birthday trip to NYC. Ya know, important stuff. And I Pin shiz like nobody's business. But I rely more heavily on Facebook for most of my communication, so it seemed the more legit sacrifice. I, in no way think something so small in any way resembles Jesus' suffering but I do believe social media is the demise of real communication, which seems to cause a serious aversion to human contact. Isn't that what God intended? For us to be a "body" of believers? I highly doubt He intended for us to exclusively virtually communicate. Could be wrong. Often am. It undoubtedly feeds into our insecurities, our need for constant approval and over-sharing. Can we all just admit the more "likes" and comments we get on our lame posts about what we ate for breakfast gets us a bit warm and fuzzy? Isn't that weird? 

 The more the days passed though, it did become something bigger. I started to realize some of my relationships have become quite "virtual". Some people are of the belief that you can go months without talking or just text periodically and therein lies a good friendship. I disagree. Must be a love language thing. I'm a put-my-arms-around  and eyes-on-ya kinda gal. The people I see most, chat with most are the ones I feel the most connected to. I mean, I so get it. Life, it's nutso and hectic and who has time? Um, people that care for each other do. Or should, in my world. This doesn't require daily convo, by all means (ain't nobody got time for that) but a weekly, heck, bi-weekly check-in? An encouraging word? A "hey, just thinking of ya"? But then I think, not everyone speaks your love language Jess (which, incidentally, is a dead tie between physical touch and quality time, duh.), is it really fair to ask what you give from people who don't require the same of us? I dunno. Maybe not. But then are you left questioning the motives and feelings of the other person all the time? Is it necessary to surround ourselves with like-love-languaged people? Maybe. Kinda makes me sad to think of it cause I'm pretty sure my circle of friends would dramatically decrease.

Conversely, I have people on my Facebook page from my past that I have lost contact with (while I know every single person on my friends randoms) that always respond kindly, have donated when my many pleas for money for Caleb's Crusade have arisen...they have become friends. They're interested in my life and I am in theirs as well. I love seeing new babies, weddings, job promotions. I feel for them when there's a job loss, divorce, death. There's a legitimate connection. I truly care for these people and I think, or hope the feeling is mutual. I just don't want my only form of acceptance and validation to come solely from a screen.

I do feel Facebook and social media in general is likely one of the greatest vices of our time. People are e-cigging, dieting, cursing less....we work so hard on our other bad habits, but rarely the virtual ones. It seems we are so afraid of losing touch, being validated and feeling involved in what's "going on". My personal opinion? Let's try to truly connect. With calls, getting those in the mail and it would just warm your heart?? No? It's been a while for me too. I mean, now we can just "like" what you say and move on. Boo. Why can't we still be a part of social media but not let it be our only means of communication?

So...I suppose this little hiatus has taught me quite a bit. I don't feel it interferes much with my personal life but I could give it a rest at the office a bit and I may have some re-evaluating to do of some relationships. I plan to better communicate with my loved ones, with real time, real effort too..

 All in all...I enjoy Facebook. I enjoy social media. I clearly love blogging. I have this weird thing about documentation. Maybe it's the fact that my single mom mother was pretty destitute so a camera was not to be had and there are maybe 5 childhood photos in existence of me. Maybe it's that I was apparently born with a 97 year old brain and can't remember what I had for breakfast so I fear all will be lost in the vast nothingness that is my memory. I feel the need to write down and photograph everything while being present and trying not to miss the moment. I enjoy doing it. So I shall continue, darnit! Try to pry the camera strap from my neck whilst I type, I dare you! But in moderation. Like all those things we "quit"....cake, beer, cursing....moderation. But, ya know, sometimes the F-bomb is the only word that suffices and a Facebook vent is the only way to feel better.

*Oh, and in the spirit of full disclosure, I have so been good and not logged on except to message a couple of times for important stuff. Go. Me. But I'm ready to rejoin the virtual world, here I come people!

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