Monday, April 21, 2014


First and foremost...look at these babies. I mean, have you ever?!

 We were so lucky to win a caption contest by a childhood friend of Garret's who is a wonderful photographer. We won a free mini session, which included some prints and digital images. I'm in's no easy feat photographing two busy-bodies that are moving in opposite directions at all times. I would know, this is my life's work with these two! She was amazing and got some gorgeous shots. I know I'm partial but jeeze

The dress, the tie, the bunny, the precious little smiles....I can't stand it!

To kick off the season, I drew a stolen idea (what else is new) from Pinterest on my  the kids' chalkboard wall! I liked the kitschy-clever reference to the Easter candy while ultimately  focusing on the real reason for celebration! Can I just say, for someone who can't draw, I am pretty proud of my bunny! Gavin points to it and says "bunny!". I figure if a one year old can identify it, I'm golden!

We colored eggs with Bella and Kennedy....ok, I think Mo enjoyed it the most (the girl's quite the reluctant crafter). Gavin was napping but woke up just in time to give me the stink eye about putting his fingerprint on an egg. Too soon.

 These girls.... what a motley crew!

Maddie and I had a lengthy conversation about Good Friday and why we celebrate it. We had off so after some play time at the park I thought we'd craft a cross, intended to resemble stained-glass while brother was napping. Oooorrrrr, there'd be scraps of paper everywhere and glue up his nose. 

While crafting, I went to check the mail, and it had arrived....our school choice acceptance letter to....drumroll please...our first choice, Edison Park!! I can't believe I'm about to have a Kindergartner on my did that happen?! 

The next day we joined the fam for an egg hunt in their neighborhood. Somehow Mo got conned into being the bunny. Just allow the photos to speak for themselves...

I mean, where do the jokes end?!

 Theeeeeeeen (can you say crazy day?) we went to the girls' school Spring Festival. It's always really fun...and free!

Maddie loves her some inflatables...Gavin, I'm thinking, was not as much a fan....

Maddie's teacher was making the balloon animals. She gave me a REALLY?! look when Mads requested a butterfly, apparently not in her repertoire. Hey, Maddie liked it...she flew it all over the place! 4,765th reason we love Miss Schreiber!!

Representatives from the local emergency response teams were there. I told these two they may as well get used to this view... they didn't get it but the cop gave me a chuckle. No dude, I'm so serious, you don't even know. Memorize these faces.....

And,  my only complaint about this, one of our favorite events....they throw the eggs on the ground, rope off small sections by age and let the kids run mad. Well, it's supposed to just be the kids. Some nutso parents go out there and on more than one occasion, have gotten aggressive or better yet, coach their kids to be aggressive. There's no prize...everyone gets a bag of candy. Who knew egg grabbing was a competitive sport? Sheesh....

How to end a great day of egg searching, bounce housing and general fun? Sugary ice concoctions, of course! Drink them as you see fit....

Easter morning!

I'm not a fan of tons of candy...I'm ok with a chocolate bunny and some jelly beans, etc. but an entire basket full of sugar? Uh, no. I hit up the dollar store and Target's cheapy section and actually found some fun stuff! Kites, dive toys, bath toys, sippy cups, art stuff....and one of our sweet neighbors made the kids these plastic eggs with their names on them. They were filled to the rim and the kids were super excited!

Gavin was only three months old last year so this was his first real dig-into-your-basket Easter. He loved it! 

We had the families over for dinner and a little egg hunt. It was great....precious family time and the kids had a blast. Pretty much my goal for any holiday we celebrate!

Thank you God for our many blessings and for your sacrifice of your son who died and rose again to save us all from sin and offered us a place at Your side in Heaven!

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