Thursday, November 1, 2012


 YAY! We are making more progress on the list...whoop whoop!!
We started off the Halloween festivities with our annual adult party benefitting Caleb's Crusade. We raised almost $400 (!!) and got to immortalize our cable TV obsession...DEXTER! It's this amazingly dark and twisty show about a blood spatter analyst for the Miami/Dade PD slash serial killer of only DNA proven bad guys. I know, morbid but sooooo good! He creates a "kill room" and wraps his victims in plastic (duh, he's a cop, he knows how to cover his tracks...), slits their cheeks to collect a sample as his "trophy" then with a single stab wound to the chest, makes them pay their dues. I, pregnant and all musta been naughty cause I suffered the wrath of Dexter. On a stupid/hilarious note, Garret wrapped me in a Costco sized Saran Wrap get up and upon adding the final layer we had one of those, pre tell, was I going to pee?? Let's just say I had to bring a roll with me for each trip to the ladies' room. Oy.

On Halloween Day, Maddie's class got to dress up....partly because she's a diva and partly because her home-made Ariel costume wasn't quite finished,  she wanted to be yet another princess, Snow White. The outfit is precious so I was all for it!

And on one of my FAVE nights of the year, Maddie donned her Ariel and while, admittedly, she slightly resembled a streetwalker (so unintended but the coral lipstick Oma put on her and the horrid wig were certainly not helping), she loved it and worked her Morticia Addams walk to perfection! After school, she saw her costume hanging and squealed with delight. She said "Thank you so much for my costume Mommy!!" It was worth the glue-gun burned fingers and endless frustration just for that!

Another amazing Halloween! I am so grateful to live in such a child-friendly neighborhood and have a daughter that finds the thrill in the silly traditions her Mamma so enjoys!

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