Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Thank God for second chances.

Yesterday was just one of "those" days. The kind that, when bedtime finally, mercifully, arrives I feel as though I failed as a parent and I can't remember a single thing I was proud of doing the entire day. I lost my patience. I cleaned my house instead of playing with my daughter and it was somehow still a mess. I lost my temper. I didn't enjoy my family, the people I adore most in the world. I ran out of patience, stamina and the mere will to conversate. I did make dinner. It was certainly nothing to brag about (barely edible spaghetti). All I wanted to do was lay in bed, watch mindless reality TV and drink castor oil to try to get this baby out of me. I fought back the headache with the limited Tylenol I can take that this horribly-timed sinus infection is forcing upon me. I would have attempted the 98th round of the Nedi-Pot but that involved, well, removing my ever expanding rear-end from the couch and it all seemed like too much. It was just one of those days I wished I could have started over (you know, like in Men in Black...the mind-eraser thingie?!). And magically, this happened at some point (albeit while I was trying to get Maddie to do anything but ask something of me):

I just realized that it's ok to not be "supermom" every day. Some days are gonna just, well, suck and I'm not gonna be "on" and Maddie won't be scarred for life. I take such pride in working my hardest in all areas of my life...Maddie and Garret, my job, my relationships outside of my family but some days, these days, that's more difficult than usual. This child is so obviously happy, healthy, confident and loved and one crappy day won't erase all of that. Thank God every day is a new chance to do better. I'm still learning too kiddo. Bear with me....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good news...you survived! Some days that is considered a win!

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