Thursday, December 20, 2012

Maddie's First Award-Worthy Performance!

Maddie had her very first school play today! It was, um, hilarious! I mean, of course there were the expected teary eyes and bursts of pride but also quite a bit of giggling. I mean, only our child would manage to nearly expose her undies, fall while merely standing still, clap along with the audience (presumably for herself) and be the most fidgety of all the kids! She is certainly not shy and the girl can carry a tune...I was really proud of her! I also love that she's so entertaining and comical. We laugh so much at home that it was so fun to see people around us laughing too...and yes, it was at her, but only because she was so cute and funny! 

And let me just say...these teachers are saints...I mean, getting a buncha 3 and 4 year olds to do, well, anything let alone sing and recite a story, often in unison has to be a feat and they did great. Very impressive.

Our little exhibitionist nearly exposed her undies to the cringing crowd. I kept reciting "keep your dress down" in my head, praying we had some crazy mom/daughter telepathy thing I could summon in that moment...

 After wardrobe changes, they joined the pre-k 4 class for a play about the animals in the manger. Maddie was a chick...I asked her why she never put her beak on. She said simply, "It's not very comfortable and I can't bweave." Makes perfect sense to me!


 Although it was mid morning, I'm so glad we were able to escape from work to be there. This first will never happen again and we were so very proud of our future performer! We should probably start working on that Oscar/Emmy/Grammy acceptance speech. :)


Georgia said...

Very cute! Love the look like a completely different person though :)

Jess said...

My boss said the same thing ;) It's just fun to have a change once in a while. I'll be back to my boring self in no time! hee hee

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