Monday, January 9, 2012

Maddie's {sigh} first day of daycare {sniffle}

Well, the time has come. Oma is worn out. Maddie is bored. It is time. Daycare...ugh. I have avoided it as long as possible. I have so enjoyed her having one-on-one attention, avoiding colds and various other illness. I have realized however, that while she has those advantages, she has no real interaction with other children, with the exception of play dates, etc. and is really not being challenged. She's a bright kiddo, that one and I don't want to feel like we are holding her back in any way either socially or educationally. She is at a point I believe she needs to be challenged a bit more, and she could certainly use some structure and getting used to routines. While all reasonable, it is so traumatizing both for her and for us. I am writing this a couple of days in, so the first day she was fine! She walked into class and promptly announced "Hi Kids! I Maddie!" and proceeded to go willingly to her teacher to be shown the classroom. Since then, however, it has all been downhill.

She is crying when I pick her up and now when I drop her off. This has been really tough for me. She just seems so dejected. Maddie is many things: smart, willful, silly....sad is not one of them. It's getting worse each day....everyone says to give it a week (or more!) and hopeful it will get easier. I sure hope so...

On a lighter note, a couple of the teachers commented on her advanced verbal skills and seemed to be very impressed with her ability to communicate. Proud Mamma....

It was also Piper's Birthday that first day of "school" so we met the Lantz's for Moe's! and cupcakes. I figured my poor, traumatized baby deserved a cupcake!

She was very excited to be turning one...sweet girl!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am crying and she isn't even mine. I will be praying for you. Peyton goes one day a week for 3 hours and I am a complete basket case. Good luck girl....stay strong!

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