Monday, September 1, 2014

If it's not one thing....

...It's another. WHY, when children go to school, is it like their immune systems refuse to work?? I should be grateful we aren't sick that often but it seems like something, all the time lately! I should basically just hand the pediatrician my paycheck every week. Oy. The newest condition? Asthma for the Madster. She had bronchitis a few weeks ago and coughed incessantly for ever afterwards! She wasn't sleeping well and just sounded like a 90 year old smoker! After the third trip to the Ped, I was starting to think something else was up, although I never guessed asthma (no wheezing or shortness of breath??). But, that was, in fact, the diagnosis. So we have this fancy contraption and it is helping. Poor kiddo. She thinks it's cool, of course. Gotta love her...she's one tough cookie, takes a lot to keep her down! Hopefully this is something she grows out of (the doc said they often do), so until then, breathe easy kiddo!

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