Monday, August 18, 2014

Stop crying Mom.

It was a big weekend around the Copeland house...huge even. Miss Maddie, who was super envious of all the attention Bella's haircut was getting decided she wanted to go short. "Oh, ok, like a couple inches (I show her with my hand)?" She looks at me like I have four heads, "No, short (holds her little hand up at her EAR)!"
Now, I know this is not about me and I love her asserting her independence when it comes to style but really?! That short? Do you know what I would do for hair like hers?! But, being the awesome Mom I am, I swoop her up and take her to the salon...ok, Super Cuts but whatevs. She walks in, flips through a book and finds this sweet little girl with a bob and long bangs and says that's the one. "Ok, but you have short bangs...". "I know, I'll let them grow". Okey Dokey.

She talked the nice lady's head off ("I'm five, I like My Little Pony, do you have a baby?, do you like to cut hair?, do you think I have cute hair?....."). She patiently answered all of her questions and gently reminded her 47 times to keep her head down. She mentioned she has a 7 year old. Ah-ha. It is learned behavior.

Viola! The end result! She loves it (I do too!). Now let's see how long before she complains about the clipped back bangs....

Being the last weekend before school, we let Bella come over. She was grounded the week before (1st time...kinda effective. Will do again.) so she hadn't seen another living soul outside of her family. They watched Aladdin (Disney was playing in in honor of Robin Williams who had sadly committed suicide earlier in the week, *sigh*), did some art, went for a walk, swam...the usual!

 And then....

Yeah, we're driving home from church and this one claims her "toof is wiggwy", as she's got her hand shoved in her mouth. Now, she's been claiming she's had a wiggly tooth since Bella first lost one a couple years ago so we kinda just gave her the ole "that's great, baby". We decided to make a stop at Mo's and sure enough, Bella comes running out, "She DOES have a wiggly tooth!", and alas, she did. Parent Fail. So, Monique being the brave soul she is, pulled that sucker out!

She was super excited to put it under her much so that she dropped it and it went between the floorboards in her room...gone! I couldn't see it or fish it out and she "The Tooth Fairy isn't gonna come nowwwwww!!". So, trying to keep her from a being traumatized for life, I invent some cockamamie story about how the Tooth Fairy knows when a child loses a tooth because it makes a sound only she can hear..ya know, like a dog whistle. She bought it. Whew, crisis averted. 

  Two whole sparkly dollars! No thanks to Monique who kept telling her the Tooth Fairy brings like 5 bucks. It's a recession ya'll, times are hard.

And, finally...cue the sad musical montage of Maddie from birth until now, cause that's what's been running through my mind for the past few days, it is the first day of Kindergarten. Real school. I tried to make a big fuss to keep her excited, although she never once seemed nervous or apprehensive. 

 My teacher's gift...had to...she's gonna have a rough year. Pre-emptively sucking up.

 And...we're off! 

I can only think of every cliche' to write here...where did the time go? It seems like just yesterday she was born, it's going by too fast. Yes. To all of it. It is. Just the haircut and missing tooth has changed the landscape of her sweet face. In those wild, chaotic, please Dear God help me to stay sane moments I have with her I need to recall these moments right here. She still says I'm her best friend. She wants to live next door to me if she just HAS to move out one day. She comes to me with boo-boos and excited news. I'm her person. I know a time will come when friends will be so important, and {gulp} boys will hold her attention but  my wish is I will  be the one person she can trust, that loves everything about her, the one she comes to with every hope, dream, fear....for always.

Happy First Day baby girl...

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