Monday, July 22, 2013

Summer Bucket List Update!

So with our trip to North Carolina (that post to follow!), we crossed a few things off the ole' bucket list!

First, ROAD TRIP!! I was so pleasantly surprised at how well the kids did (even the big, sassy one...and I don't mean Garret!). They were so good and times more than we grown-ups, I think!

A, not sure if a blanket propped over a couple barstools counts, but they sure liked it....

Next, tubing! Little man couldn't go...the water was a bit rough from all the rain they've been having but he got to chill in a boat. Kinda wish I was 6 months old...

And Maddie's FAVE.....fireflies! We don't have them here in least not this far south and she thinks it's amazeballs. Can't.Even. Handle.It. She caught her very first one mid air....

Daddy was pretty pumped up about it....

Ahhhhh, and my fave...Smores by a campfire. I's kinda like Heaven. Cool temps, warm, crackling fire alongside the stream, lightening bugs flying all around like little twinkling kinda drifted off just then didn't ya??

And I say ish because the act of fishing apparently involves actually catching one. Humpf.  It takes forever and I am still skeptical that a fish, being carried by what was a fairly strong current is gonna just stop mid-swim, grab my pathetic-looking fly thingie to risk certain death. Whatevs. We did, however find some cool river glass for a yet unknown Pinterest project. So it was a success, I say!!

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