Saturday, September 5, 2015

They finally convinced me.

I have been suuuper hesitant to cut Gavin's hair. I mean, I totally get he looks like Bozo and/or Gary Busey's mug shot but, the curls! I, nor anyone in my immediate family has seen such a phenomenon. I was terrified if I cut them, it'd be boring, stringy, straight hair like the rest of us.

Look at those sweet curly-cues...Garret and Maddie totally bullied me into it. I've learned not to mess with Garret on game day so....ugh.

He did so well! I was shocked he sat still but he was quite the trooper! The stylist kept saying he was the best toddler she'd ever had in terms of listening and sitting still. Then, it got long and all you-know-what broke loose. He was over it. He managed to stay in the chair juuuust long enough!

I mean, really?! It's this long?'s cute. REALLY cute. I kinda cried a little cause he looks so big but he's getting bigger. And Mamma has to deal. With wine. And tears.

*sigh* big boy.  She did say it was super wavy at the root so here's to hoping for future curls! 

Football season has officially begun. The bain of my existence. But, *gasp*, I find myself starting to enjoy-ish it each year. Am I becoming a football wife?! Um, no. But I will put a cute shirt on and sip on a cocktail at  bar while HE enjoys it....

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