Friday, March 30, 2012

WHY didn't I do this sooner?!

So I've learned a few things as a first-time mom. Alot. One of the many lessons is listen to my gut...from something as serious as knowing something is just wrong although no obvious symptoms presented themselves (when she had pneumonia) to little things like deciding which of the well-intentioned pieces of advice to take about Maddie's hair. My sister vehemently discouraged me having it cut. Her theory was it'll all just eventually even out (the current "mullet" had about four different lengths). Other schools of thought suggested cut it in hopes it would somehow thicken up. My feeling was, it looked ratty all the time, it's baby-fine, so why not shorten it to make it look fuller and healthier?? Well....I had enough. I picked her up from school the other day and my beautiful child looked like a mess. That's it, I decided, we are going (the $5 off coupon I snipped certainly helped the cause).

                  What an improvement! So precious!!

Heading into a local kids' salon...she was excited. Probably moreso about the ice cream I promised if she sat still!

These people are genius! They give them a cool "ride" to sit in
AND park them in front of the TV!

She was such a good girl and was quite proud of her certificate (note the sweet blond lock of hair in the left upper corner :)


Becky said...

It really does look so cute.

Georgia said...

Love it :)

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