School is getting much better! Maddie is actually looking forward to, most days. I am impressed with her ability to identify and sound out almost every letter of the alphabet. Apparently her school is reading accelerated and they attempt to have them stringing together words before kindergarten! She just got moved to the next class up (full of 3 year olds) because she's doing so well...proud Mommy and Daddy :) I worry a little that she'll just have to start all over with the adjustment to a new classroom and teacher but a few days in, she seems to be just fine!

They had "Indian day" recently...Daddy said she was a Seminole, of course.
On a fun related note, Maddie has found a little "posse". It's hilarious to me how they develop these little cliques and social skills so early. There is a group of about 3 kids she constantly talks about and greet her every morning. It's funny....although one of the girls did bite her a while back. Hmmm...friend or foe? We shall see....
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