Sunday, April 13, 2014

Key West, Year 2!

We did it, two WHOLE years (insert sarcastic tone here). It seems so silly considering all we've been through in the six we've been a couple! But hey, there's a Key West trip involved so whatevs! We did our second annual trip and, wanting to keep it creative (cause after a buncha years, we're gonna be bored!) we were lucky to have a free boat as accomodations...a big ole boat. It was pretty cool....the only drawback? No toilet paper in the toilet. At all. Um, kinda tough for the ladies (um, me), but thankfully there was a boathouse with full bathrooms/showers etc a few feet away...

So, boat people are, um, interesting. We met some folks that lived on their with birds as big as me and another, who, I'm fairly certain needs weekly meetings. Overall, it was pretty cool though, gorgeous sunsets and perfect weather!

Had to photograph the chickens...I mean, they truly run the place anyway. I though capturing a whole family was kinda cool...the early morning wake up calls? Not so much.

We did our annual   "two finger" pic...still not sure what we're gonna do after 10...

We saw Robin Roberts at our fave breakfast place, Blue Heaven...she's so awesome. We didn't wanna bother her on her vacay so I took a photo while other people were ;)

We watched the sunset from the La Concha was a bit overcast but so pretty anyway....and super romantic...the guy in bunny drag kinda ruined the ambiance. It is Key West, I guess....

This "Jessica" sign is above a bar at Dirty Harry's, which is where our fave band, The Durt Bags becomes all about me after a couple cocktails ;)

Basically, it was awesome. Best trip eva. Best hubs eva. Can't wait for the many trips ahead with this guy. We just have such a great time together...he's truly my best friend! I wouldn't trade our little family for anything but these little trips away, alone, rejuvenates us as a couple. Happy marriages=happy children! 

While we were gone, the kiddos got to enjoy their first Easter activities! My friend Colleen had a little Easter party at her house. It was Gavin's first hunt! He just threw the eggs around according to Linda (I mean, they are round-ish and the kid loves balls...). Mo took the girls to a local hunt. They had a blast, of course! As long as they're together, they're happy!  It sure was nice to be home with my babies...missed them! 

1 comment:

Georgia said...

Weekend on a boat how fun! I actually saw that pic on Facebook but thought it was a joke!

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