The plague has descended over our home. Everyone I know (and I mean
everyone) has or has recently had some variation of the funk in their families. Flu, stomach bugs, ear infections,, no thanks. For all my crazy efforts to de-germ Maddie on her way in the door from school and keeping Gavin locked at home like a little prisoner, we got it anyway. Ugh (insert curse word here). Maddie started with a stuffy nose which quickly turned into a running faucet complete with fever and the cough of a hundred year old smoker. Then Garret started to feel "something". And then, Lord give me strength to just type it, Gavin started showing some signs of colic (double UGH!). He is inconsolable for about an hour and a half every evening starting at around 5 for the past few days. We just switched formulas and got some advice and natural treatment options for gas/fussiness...praying it helps! It is so heartbreaking to see your baby screaming and writhing in pain and not be able to do a thing. On a lighter note, I have had Maddie home from school and we've actually had fun, as much as possible feeling icky, that is. Here are the last few days in photos!

Since the weather's been so great, I thought we'd brave the little park around the corner...
First time in his bouncy has vibration so thought he may like the feeling.
I braided Maddie's hair and she proceeded to say she was a princess and twirled around the living room. Ahhh, if only it were that easy! Then she started to color and I'm pretty sure, based on the dirty look, she had had enough of photos. Ok, hint received, loud and clear.
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