I asked Maddie for weeks leading up to the big day what she wanted to be. She thoughtfully considered it and during an especially exciting episode of Team Umizoomi, she decided on Milli, measuring ponytails and all. This was a challenge because A: there is no such existing costume (what is with this kid and latching onto things with no products, as with her Bubble Guppies Birthday?!) and B: I knew my severe lack of sewing skills would be required. She would occasionally mention wanting to be Tinkerbell and I secretly hoped she would land on this well-known and ready-to-purchase character! She apparently likes to test my craftiness! Well, if I say so myself, she looked adorable. She was so excited about her ponytails and her light-up bucket. It was almost perfect...
As we were ready to walk out the door, I grabbed my camera, turned it on and attempted to take a photo. It didn't work (collective gasps, please). It said it was "locked" and I had no clue why or how to fix it! As traumatic as it was, I did have my FLIP video camera and figured that would be ok (although not NEARLY ideal). After watching my sweet girl say "trick-or-treat" to everyone we approached followed by a "thank you" and multiple "Happy Halloweens" I was grateful to at least have that live stream of adorableness. Until...
I ran home to use the restroom and the unimaginable happened. The FLIP was in my back pocket and it fell. In the toilet. And was d-e-d. I now had NO memory of this momentous occasion. I sat there stunned and just cried. Me, the crazy camera lady had zilch. No working camera and a now-defunct video camera. After composing myself, I rejoined the group and tried to enjoy the rest of the evening. I told Garret what I had done and he tried to comfort me but I could not be soothed. To add insult to injury, after our company had gone and we returned home, Maddie decided she wanted to hand out candy. She waited for the request, dropped the candy in the outstretched bags and made commentary on the costumes. Adorable. It happened, I swear. All of it. I just don't have much evidence. Thanks to our friends and family that provided us with what they had. Here it is...what remains, of the best Halloween to date.
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