I put her in time out (normally I use a chair but I was in the middle of something that needed my attention for a few minutes, so I put her in her crib) and the next thing I know, I hear the pitter-patter of little feet and hear a little voice behind me, "Hi Mommy." What the bleep?? I tried to put her back in and see if I could re-create the escape but she just smiled coyly and waited for me to lift her out. Later I realized she didn't do it because I was standing there. So I put her in the crib and left the room (grabbing my video camera), and peeked around her door. There it was. In plain sight. GASP. That night we converted the crib into the toddler bed, got a safety rail on Craig's List (for 10 bucks, whoop whoop!) and hoped and prayed our good sleeper would stay in the bed. And she did. All night. I assume only until she figures it out, which knowing this little one, won't be long!
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