When I lived in Colorado for a couple years, I became close with a group of ladies I met online. I know, odd. I had put an ad on Craig's List after feeling really lonely and missing my tight group of friends from Florida. Mind you, this was long before the Craig's List Killer (not to mention we were not in the sexy section :). We dubbed ourselves "The CL Girls". I actually met the bride, Jessica through someone she was dating and the next was Chrissy. It just grew and we were about 7 strong (with people coming and going along the way). I became closest with Jess, Chrissy and Jill. I loved all the girls but, as I suppose happens, you just bond with people differently.
Jess was that girl I had always envied. Self-assured, beautiful, smart...I would have been intimidated were it not for her easy, kind demeanor. No pretense although she had every reason to be conceited. I loved her instantly and in a short time knew we'd be lifelong friends.
When she called to tell me she met someone and was smitten, I was so excited! Jess is extremely independent, has a great career and enjoys her time with friends. She has never "needed" a man in her life, so when she spoke about him, I just knew something was different. Now, they are husband and wife and I am so honored to have been witness to the love they so obviously share.
We left Maddie in great hands with the Grandmas and headed to my favorite state I have ever been to for the celebration. It was my mission to force Garret to also fall in love with it in hopes we could one day move there! Hee, hee....
Our friends, Mark and Chrissy were kind enough to let us stay at their beautiful home in Denver near Downtown.

The rehearsal dinner
I had to take Garret to an old favorite hangout, Armida's (a karaoke bar)

Doing my usual 80's rock routine...
My back up dancer, Chrissy...
The big day!
Jess was breathtaking! It was FREEZING and she mustered through with a strapless gown.

I had an amazing time with these girls...like no time had passed!

CONGRATS Jess and Jeff!!

I'm so happy two of my favorite people love each other...and whiskey.