Yesterday, Maddie smiled at me. Not "I'm gassy mommy", but "I love you mommy"...THAT kind of smile. We were having a conversation about nothing in particular. I think I was telling her how beautiful and perfect she is (yes, my child will be an ego-maniac by the time she's one) in my sing-song baby talking voice and she flashed her gums at me while looking in my eyes. It may have been the most heartwarming moment of my life. When a baby is so tiny, the routine feels very impersonal. Feed the baby, change the baby, burp the baby....but no real interaction takes place in those first weeks...at least not on her part. This was an actual response to me loving her, encouraging her...it was a moment I will never forget. Of course I bragged incessantly to daddy who promptly got offended that he was not the recipient of the first official smile. I reminded him that he will be the first man she will fall in love with and will likely say "da-da" first as it is easier than "ma-ma". I think I appeased him for the time being. Hopefully many more smiles are to follow!
UPDATE: Shortly after I wrote this, Garret got a smile too! He told Madeline, "You just melted Daddy's heart..."