Tuesday, October 1, 2013

40 by 40

Ok, here it is. My 40 things to do by 40 list. Making this made me realize how many amazing things I've already done!! I've lead a blessed life but these are some of those things I have never had the confidence or frankly time to do but always wanted to try or simply do because it's been too long since I have done them. I made this keeping my very limited budget and the fact I have two little kiddos at home in mind.  I also fully realize I may not get them all done. I have ADD. It's undiagnosed but I, and anyone that knows me well, can attest to this. I don't wanna put too much pressure on myself but the aforementioned condition does seem to be alleviated with some list-making, task-acheiving and accountability...

I have 325 days. Guess I better get going!

1. take a cooking class
2. go on a picnic
3. host a fancy dinner party (with china, CLOTH napkins and silverware in the right place and everything ;)
4. write a letter of forgiveness to someone I've been angry at (where to begin ;)
5. make a family tree
6. go to a concert
7. run a marathon
8. learn a magic trick
9. write a letter to myself to be opened on my 40th birthday
10. write a song...
11. ...perform it live!
12. learn guitar (to be used for embarrassment above!)
13. watch a sunset/sunrise in its entirety
14. become an American Citizen
15. play in the snow

16. go camping
17. do a mud run

18. serve the homeless
19. donate bone marrow
20. walk in the rain/jump in puddles with Maddie
21.chew breath mints in the dark in a theater on Broadway while attending a show in NYC!! This would recreate an amazing life experience from 6th grade :)
22. get baptized (I was as a pre-teen but would like to reaffirm my commitment to God)
23. have a boudoir photo done (yeah, gonna need a little while for this one...)
24. do something drastic to my hair
25. start my own small business
26. read 5 books JUST for fun (no parenting, self-help etc!)
27. climb a tree (without breaking a limb...mine or the tree's)
28. go on a day trip with a friend
29. recreate our first date
30. try a new sport
31. go an entire weekend with no TV (pretty sure the fam will not be on board)
32. have family photos done

33. kidnap my husband and do something fabulous
34. by an expensive something I don't usually care about (purse, shoes, bra...)
35. find a reason to wear my wedding dress again
36. get another tattoo

37. grow something without killing it
38. organize my life (there are not enough days...)
39. finally have a headboard (make one, SOMETHING so it doesn't look like we live in a college dorm)
40. recreate a childhood photo

1 comment:

Georgia said...

We can take a cooking class and then have a dinner party from what we learned and have everyone wear their wedding dresses...boom that's like 3 done!

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