So Maddie has been saying this German prayer since she could well, pray. It's one we said as kids and I really want her to know some German so we say it every night...
At her Christian school they pray with meals and will pray more spontaneously, not reciting a specific set of words. She loves this idea of just "conversing" with God. We began doing this at night too. We do the little German prayer first then I just let her talk to Him. It is.....hilarious (here's to hoping He has a sense of humor).
Some recent examples (and I quote):
"Dear God, thank you for the flowers and the trees and underwear. I love my Mom and Dad. And Baby Gavin but he's too fussy. Thank you for making me nice so I can play. Amen."
"Dear God, thank you for Baby Jesus. He is powerful and delightful. I like his beard. He is the best. Amen."
"Dear God, thank you for my friends. Sometimes they don't let me sing because it hurts their ears. But I can't hit them or I will have to go to time out. Amen."
"Dear God, thank you for Santa and the reindeers. He is nice and brings me presents but I have to be good. It's very hard but Mommy will call him if I don't be good. Amen."
"Dear God, my name is Madeline Claire Copeland. I can write my name. Only Maddie, not Madeline. I have two D's in my name. Mrs. Peek (her teacher) teached me how to write it so she knows it's me on my paper. Sometimes she writes it on naughty notes to my Mom. Amen.
She should let Maddie write her own name on her naughty notes! :)
RIGHT?! Maybe it will impress upon her the severity of her actions. Probably not.
Love it! Pipers prayers are always 'thank you God for___". and I can't wait to hear what she will say! These moments for them are so sweet and fleeting.
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