Thursday, January 26, 2012, progress??

So, I would love to say things are getting better at "school" and I suppose they kind of are....but why on Earth do toddlers act like little Cannibals?! What possesses them to bite one another? Anger? Frustration? A hankerin' for human flesh?? Seriously. Maddie got her first bite last week. It left quite the impression. Both on her (she relived it non-stop for a day, "Mia bite me." I'm still wondering if maybe she was provoked? :) and on her arm!

Then, she got sick. I mean, fluids of varying colors, textures and smells emitting from every orifice in the poor child's body kind of sick. Ugh.

I'm hoping it gets better. She does seem to be adjusting overall though...a little hesitant when I drop her off but not as tearful and traumatized. Yay...something to squelch my guilt. She seems to be liked alot by the teacher(s) who constantly comment about how smart she is and how she makes them laugh with what she says. I know this to be true and not some way to make me feel better because this child comes up with all kinds of random hilarity on a daily basis.

I suppose I am kind of excited about a child in "school", with projects to bring home and events upcoming. Her class planted vegetables a few days ago, Maddie got peas. She was very excited to bring them home in their little styrofoam cup and water them. She brought it straight to her room and put it on her windowsill where it could "be warm in the sun". Let's hope Mommy's black thumb isn't hereditary.

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